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最新消息 活動預告

10月 2018

Seminar: Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries & Start-Up to the World




2018年10月25日 (星期四)19:00 - 20:30
Room 1406, 14/F, HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College Campus, 66 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
  • Dr. Geoff Parkes, Associate Dean, International of Aston Business School, Aston University, UK. ;
  • 周偉業先生, MSc (CUHK); Senior Vice President of uCloudlink
Dr. Geoff Parkes, Associate Dean, International of Aston Business School, Aston University, UK.

Dr. Geoff Parkes, Associate Dean, International of Aston Business School, Aston University, UK.

Dr. Parkes is currently Associate Dean International Aston Business School & Associate Pro Vice Chancellor International Aston University. His interests are in the area of entrepreneurial personality, innovation and access to finance for small firms and he leads teaching and research activities in these areas. He also leads the Business Schools development of global collaborative programmes. His background is as a marketing practitioner. He is formerly the Sales & Marketing Director of Aga Cookers and Armitage Shanks. He has managed a number of MBI’s and now acts as an Advisor and Non Executive Director at a number of other businesses including a children’s day nursery and a management consultancy practice.

周偉業先生, MSc (CUHK); Senior Vice President of uCloudlink

周偉業先生, MSc (CUHK); Senior Vice President of uCloudlink

周偉業先生 (Ken Chau) 於 2015 年加盟 uCloudlink,擔任高級副總裁及亞太區總裁一職,負責公司的全球性策略、營運架構,以及業務發展及表現,當中其中一個重任是負責公司的全球客戶關係管理。憑藉豐富的環球客戶管理知識和經驗,Ken 擅長建立及處理客戶關係,了解企業客戶的業務目標和需要,為客戶度身訂造合適方案及提供專業意見。作為高層要員,Ken 將會繼續帶領 uCloudlink 團隊創造更多高效的企業措施及創新方案,優化客戶服務體驗。 Ken 在資訊科技行業擁有超過 20 年經驗,帶領環球銷售團隊創造業務成果。他在資訊科技營運及技術方面的專長範圍包括雲運算、數據管理、安全技術、流動通訊技術及業務轉型等。 在加盟 uCloudlink 之前,Ken 於 Critrix 出任香港及澳門區總經理,專責業務策略部署及日常營運管理,確保公司業務在上述兩大主要市場持續增長。此外,Ken 曾擔任華為銷售及渠道管理負責人,兩年內成功為公司的企業電訊業務帶來極速增長,屢創佳績。Ken 亦曾服務多家環球企業如思科及北電網絡,擔任多個重要職位,包括直銷、銷售渠道管理及策略性業務聯盟等。 Ken 是一位魅力型領袖,擁有自信、決斷及關愛等多項領袖特質,以建立及訓練高質素團隊聞名,並擁有不少帶領團隊成功轉型及締造極端性業務增長的成功紀錄,其自制又進取的專業態度,獲廣泛認同。Ken 同時是一位知識豐富及口才出眾的演講者,經常獲邀出席業界大型活動擔任演講嘉賓,亦有透過為企業推行培訓活動,致力培育新一代銷售管理人才。 Ken 不單止是一位運動健將,同時擁有多種興趣及才華技能。工作以外,他喜歡花時間在不同的體育項目、藝術文化活動、旅遊及攝影。Ken 將與生俱來的熱情及衝勁,充分發揮在他的銷售事業上,令其成為一位成功的銷售及管理人員。 Ken 持有香港大學電腦學士學位,以及香港中文大學資訊工程學碩士學位。

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語言: 英文



Three key subject areas will be shared by the speaker:

  1. Entrepreneurship in the Creative Industries

  2. Measurement of Behavioural Competences of the Entrepreneur
  3. Start-up Formula

This seminar will provide the latest academic knowledge and practical management skills in the ICE (Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship) education so as to develop mission-driven entrepreneurship in transforming invention (success @ lab) to innovation (success @ market) with social values and economic impact.