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10月 2020

International Conference on Quality and Self-financed Higher Education "Connecting Local and Global" (physical face-to-face)





2020年10月23日 (星期五)09:30 - 17:45
2975 5794 (

Self-financed higher education in Hong Kong is an important provider of quality continuing and professional education opportunities for learners, both part-time for working adults and full-time for school leavers and sub-degree holders.  In addition to local awards, the availability of transnational education (TNE) programmes has been important in increasing the variety of offerings and the international recognition of the qualifications awarded. 

HKU SPACE has a history of over 60 years and is one of the major providers of self-financed and transnational education in Hong Kong.  During the rapid expansion of TNE opportunities in the 1990s, HKU SPACE led the way in collaboration with overseas universities.  As the policy landscape and demand for TNE is rapidly changing, HKU SPACE invites local and international educators, researchers, education policy makers and professionals from academia and industry to contribute their experience to discuss the likely future of transnational education in this international conference. 


Conference Theme

Within the theme of quality in self-financed higher education from local and global perspectives, the sub-themes related to self-financed higher education and TNE provision are as follows:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Pedagogy
  • Curriculum Design and Assessment
  • Learning Experience
  • Policy landscape

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings will be published.  Authors of selected papers can choose to have their paper included in the proceedings.



9:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 10:10          



Opening Speech

Professor Ian Holliday

Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)

The University of Hong Kong 

10:10 – 10:30


Souvenirs Presentation
Photo-taking Ceremony

10:30 – 11:30





Keynote Address


Professor Mary Stiasny

Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) of the University of London and

Chief Executive of University of London Worldwide
"The Pursuit of Quality"

11:30 – 12:00

Tea and coffee break

12:00 – 13:15
























Round Table Discussion: Quality of Self-financed and Transnational Education: Future Trends and Outlook

Chair: Professor William K.M. Lee

Director, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education


Guest Speakers:

Mr. Albert Chow

Executive Director,

Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications

“From Quality Assurance to Quality Enhancement and Excellence: A Quality Assurance (QA) Agency Perspective”


Professor Lung Sang Chan

Deputy Director of HKU SPACE; and

Principal of Community College and of HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College

“Paradigm Shift in Modern Education: Perspectives from the Management of

A Self-financed Institution”


Professor Peter P. Yuen

Immediate Past Chairman, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education

“The Quality of Self-financing Sub-degree Programmes in Hong Kong:

Evidence on Input, Process and Outcome”


Dr. Eva Y.W. Wong

Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University

“Using the Outcome-based Approach to Student Learning for Quality Assurance and Enhancement”

13:15 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:45









Parallel session I

1.1 Innovative Teaching: Crossing Boundaries 
        Chair: Professor Sonny Shiu Hing Lo (Deputy Director (Art and Sciences), HKU SPACE)


  • Professor Rick Glofcheski (Adjunct Professor,  Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong)
    “Learning Law Independently through Authentic Problem-solving”
  • Professor Gray Kochhar-Lindgren (Professor and Director, the Common Core, The University of Hong Kong)
    “Vibrant Boundaries: Global Outreach in the CommonCore@HKU”
  • Ms. Carrie Ho Yi Lau (College Lecturer, Community College, HKU SPACE)
    "Innovating Teaching During the Pandemic Lockdown - A Strategic Policy Framework of HKU SPACE Community College"

1.2  Delivering Technology-enhanced Teaching and Learning: Innovations in Teaching Design
         Chair: Dr. Jeanne Lam (Head of E-Learning, HKU SPACE)


  • Dr. Leon Chi-Un Lei (E-Learning Technologist, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, The University of Hong Kong)
    ​​" Unlocking The Potential of Teaching and Learning Through Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence"
  • Dr. Sai Ming Lam (Associate Head of College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE)
    "Adopting Multi-user Virtual Reality in the Aviation Emergency Operational Procedure Training"
  • Dr. Keith Lee (Assistant Professor, School of Science and Technology, The Open University of Hong Kong)
    “Learning Computational Thinking Through Gamification and Collaborative Learning”
  • Ir. John Hui (PhD candidate, City University of Hong Kong)
    “CRESDA: A Local Innovation for the Development of 21st Century Competencies”

1.3 Simulating Reality in Teaching Practices
        Chair:  Dr. Bruce Cheung (Head of College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE)


  • Dr. Nicholas Thomas (Associate Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong)
    “Creating Simulations”
  • Dr. Krzysztof Sliwinski (Associate Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University)
    “Engaging Students through Simulations”
  • Dr. Wendy Ma (Senior Programme Director, College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE)
    “Virtual Reality Simulation: Experiential Learning in Dietetics Training”

1.4 Teacher Forum: Technology-enhanced Assessment Since the Global Pandemic
        Chair: Professor John Bacon-Shone (Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Director,
Social Sciences Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong)

  • Mr. David Morris Oshlack (Principal College Lecturer, Community College, HKU SPACE)
    "Good Teaching and Assessment Practice in the Remote-learning Environment"
  • Mr. Javis Kwok Kwan Ng (College Lecturer, Community College, HKU SPACE)
    "From Film Critics to Cineastes: the Implementation of Diversified Assessment Methods in Film Education at Community College"
  • Mr. Eric Yan Kit Kwong (College Lecturer/ Programmer Manager, College of Humanities and Law, HKU SPACE)
    "Online Assessment in Japanese Studies Programme at HKU SPACE Community College: Examination of the Effectiveness and Prospects of E-assessment in Japanese Language education"      

15:45 – 16:15

Tea and coffee break

16:15 – 17:30











































Parallel session II

2.1 Policy Landscape of Transnational Education
        Chair: Dr. John Cribbin (Deputy Director (Academic Services), HKU SPACE)

  • Mr. David Costello (Consul General, Consulate General of Ireland)
    "Introducing the Irish Advantage"
  • Professor Andrea Nolan (Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Edinburgh Napier University)
    "Quality in Transnational Education: The Scottish Perspective"
  • Ms. Brooke Hartigan (Minister-Counsellor (Education and Research), Australian Government Department of Education / Australian Embassy Beijing)
    "Australian Transnational Education: Quality is Key"
  • Professor Paul Hanna (Associate Dean (Global Engagement), Ulster University)
    "Accreditation of Programmes of Study in the International Context"

2.2 Challenges in Quality Assurance: Local and Transnational Programmes, Teacher-student Partnership and Learning
        Chair: Ms. Siobhan Leonard (Principal Lecturer, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University)

  • Ms. Deborah Wai Chu Ng (Quality Assurance Director, HKU SPACE)
    "Quality Assurance of Local and Transnational Programmes - Challenges and Synergy"
  • Dr. Ringo Yiu Kong Chan (Associate Head of College of Business and Finance, HKU SPACE)
    "Investigating the Interplay Among Gender, Learning Approaches and Academic Outcomes: A Case Study of Part-time TNE Degree Students"
  • Dr. Vincent Wan Suen Cheng (Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, The Education University of Hong Kong) 
    "Diversity: An Endless Challenge for Teachers and Learners"
  • Dr. Simon Tat Ming Ng (Assistant Professor in Law and Senior Programme Director, College of Humanities and Law, HKU SPACE)
    “Advancing Disability Inclusion in Self-financed Legal Education through Contextualization of the University of London Inclusive Practice Policy at HKU SPACE”

2.3 TNE Experience in Hong Kong 
        ChairProfessor Steve Cross (Dean of Media, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London)
        Discussant: Dr. Julia Holdsworth (Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, University of Hull)

  • Ms. Vanessa Bourne (President, UOW College Hong Kong)
    "Successes and Challenges of TNE Delivery"
  • Dr. Richard Parkman (Partnership Manager, UK and International Partnerships, University of Plymouth)
    "The Challenges and Benefits of Providing Transnational Education by the University of Plymouth"
  • Dr. Paulina Chan (Trustee, Chartered Management Institute UK and Champion, Imperial College London Mentoring Programme)
    "Navigating the Myriad Opportunities of Transnational Educational"
  • Dr. Edgar Shiu Lam Liu and Dr. Jenny L. N. Tung (Assistant Professor and Senior Programme Director, College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE; Alumni Speaker, College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE)
    “Running Quality Transnational Undergraduate Programmes in Hong Kong: Perspectives of a Front-line Teacher and a Student"





Payment methods:

Please note that your registration is not complete until payment is made through one of the two methods below.

1. Pay by cheque before the Conference
Crossed cheques shall be made payable to “HKU SPACE” OR “香港大學專業進修學院“.  In order for us to send you back the receipt, please write “HKU SPACE International Conference”, your name, mailing address, email address and phone number on the back of the cheque.

Please mail the cheque to the following address:

Ms Aqua Au
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Room P504-05, Graduate House
No. 3 University Drive
The University of Hong Kong

2. Pay in person on the day of the Conference
You could pay by cash or cheque on the day at the Conference.  If you pay by cheque, please write down your name, mailing address, email address and phone number on the back of the cheque.