最新消息 新聞稿
HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate three of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2023 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Banking and Finance BSc Business and Management For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonRELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE
This new office will be located at the same venue as our brand new Kowloon West Campus which will also soon be opening to the public providing new classrooms and learning facilities in the Kowloon West area from 2023 onwards. This new campus adds to the School’s various learning centres and further supports the School’s initiative...
更多 RELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCEHKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate two of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2022 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Economics and Finance For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonHKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee Shiu
Dr Lee was closely associated with HKU SPACE. He was conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of HKU SPACE in 2015 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the School and to the community. He served as a member of the HKU SPACE Community College Advisory Council (2002 – 2018). His passion for philanthropy was shown by his many generous...
更多 HKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee ShiuCongratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate our students who obtained First Class Honours from the University of London in 2019. 1 LLB 3 BSc Economics and Management 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of LondonNotice from the Director
The first priority of the School is to provide a high quality, safe and stimulating learning environment for all our students, full-time and part-time. This means that the classroom is a politically neutral space where participants leave behind their personal views and focus on the learning tasks in hand. I ask therefore that all students and teachers uphold this convention whilst in class so that all may give their uninterrupted attention to learning. Education is for all in a spirit of toleration and respect for each other, especially as we have a wide mix of individuals as our students.
更多 Notice from the DirectorCongratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018
We would like to congratulate the following students who studied the part-time and full-time supporting tuition courses at HKU SPACE and obtained 1st class honours. 2 LLB 1 BSc Accounting and Finance 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see http://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018-
Congratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of London
- 日期
- 2019年12月19日 (星期四)
We would like to congratulate our students who obtained First Class Honours from the University of London in 2019. 1 LLB 3 BSc Economics and Management 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher an ... 更多 Congratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of London
- 日期
- 2019年9月4日 (星期三)
香港大學專業進修學院與低碳亞洲有限公司於2019年8月14日簽署合作備忘錄,建立策略夥伴關係,並合辦「證書(單元:氣候應對力)」及「證書(單元:可持續發展專業)」課程。備忘錄的簽署儀式於學院舉行,並由學院院長李經文教授及低碳亞洲有限公司行政總裁黎廣德先生代表簽署。 「證書(單元:氣候應對力)」課程旨在讓學生對氣候變化帶來的挑戰作深入了解,並對此所造成的科學、經濟及政治影響作廣泛及平衡的分析。 「證書(單元:可持續發展專業)」課程則協助學生於可持續發展策略、風險及機遇方面掌握堅實的知識與實用的技能,從而建立企業可持續發展所需的創新領導力。 更多 香港大學專業進修學院與低碳亞洲簽署合作備忘錄
望月團圓 給家人健康暖意
- 日期
- 2019年9月2日 (星期一)
中秋節快到了,你準備了甚麼禮物給摯愛?除了月餅外,不妨考慮送一份健康暖意給家人和朋友! 冬蟲夏草(每錢95折) 性平;味甘;歸肺、腎經 功效︰補肺益腎、止血化痰 陳皮(每兩9折) 性溫;味辛;歸脾、肺經 功效:理氣健脾、燥濕化痰 條款及細則: *折扣優惠期由2019年9月2日起至2019年9月30日 陳皮折後為HK$180/両,原價為HK$200/両。最低消費為1両。 冬蟲夏草折後為HK$1,691/錢,原價為HK$1,780/錢。最低消費為1錢,購買5錢以上方可享95折優惠。 如有任何爭議,香港大學中醫臨床中心及中藥房保留最終決定權 以上圖片只供參考 更多 望月團圓 給家人健康暖意
- 日期
- 2019年7月9日 (星期二)
[香港 – 2019年7月9日] 香港大學專業進修學院(學院)參與2018年秋季學生指標 (Student Barometer,SB) 調查,學生的整體平均滿意度1達87.9%,高於國際及亞洲基準。此調查由獨立研究機構i-graduate於2018年負責,收集學生對學習體驗、校園生活、支援服務及迎新安排的意見,為目前全球最大型的學生意見年度調查。是次調查結果肯定了學院在學生學習體驗及支援服務方面付出的努力。 調查結果亦顯示: 學生對學習體驗的平均滿意度2 達88.1%,略高於國際及亞洲基準; 在亞洲23間參與院校中,學院在「專業講師」及「講師質素」兩方面,排名首五位; 學院在「課程安排」、「評分標準」、「習作評語」、「職業諮詢」及「就業/實習機會 ... 更多 香港大學專業進修學院參與2018年秋季學生指標調查獲高度評分
- 日期
- 2019年5月2日 (星期四)
香港大學專業進修學院 (學院) 與香港航空發動機維修服務有限公司 (HAESL)於2019年5月2日 簽訂合作備忘錄,建立彼此的策略夥伴關係,合作開辦航空發動機維修證書課程。 簽署儀式於HAESL 舉行,香港大學專業進修學院院長李經文教授及HAESL董事及總經理白祈禮先生代表雙方簽署合作備忘錄。 此證書課程旨在培育航空發動機維修專才,在航空業一展所長。課程將以「1+12」架構進行,包括1個月課堂以及12個月受薪實習,讓學生掌握航空發動機維修所需基本知識及技能。學員完成理論課後可獲HKU SPACE頒發證書,相等於資歷架構第三級資歷水平,之後可銜接高級文憑甚至學位課程。 更多 香港大學專業進修學院與HAESL攜手推出「航空發動機維修證書」課程
香港大學專業進修學院企業傳訊經理 林銘儀小姐
Tel: 2975 5854
Fax: 2546 9835
Email: cherie.lam@hkuspace.hku.hk
香港大學專業進修學院市場傳訊助理 黃思婷小姐
Tel: 2910 7586
Fax: 2546 9835
Email: stella.wong@hkuspace.hku.hk