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Professional Qualifications To Power Up Your Career


Business Management


The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the business environment in logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities and make sensible decisions in business logistics management.
Start 20 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the latest business environment in logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities and make sensible decisions in procurement management.
Start 20 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the business environment, especially the latest trend of e-business, in China logistics industry. It also aims to equip graduates with basic managerial skills, enabling students to explore new business opportunities in China e-Commerce market and make sensible decisions in business logistics management.
Start 20 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 18 months to 3 years
Fee HK$35,700 (by three installments; all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme is offered in collaboration with Hong Kong Shippers' Council. It provides a comprehensive training in various aspects of shipping and logistics which suit the training needs of practitioners in the field and trainees who need to acquire a wide range of basic knowledge within a short period.
Start To be advised
Duration 8 months
Fee HK$8,980


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