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HKU SPACE/MMU 2021 Graduation Ceremony

Message from Justice Pang


HKU SPACE congratulates successful graduates of its popular pathways to the PCLL, the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (CPE) and LLB (Hons) Hong Kong offered in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University, whose record exam results were honoured at a Graduation Ceremony on Sunday 5 December 2021.  The graduates heard a message from one of its many successful alumni, The Honourable Madam Justice Pang of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, who noted her "bond" with "this successful CPE programme" and described her law studies at HKU SPACE as "a very, if not the most, important bridge in my pursuit of the legal career without which I would still be engaging in non-legal work".

The Graduation Ceremony was presided over by Professor William Lee, Director of HKU SPACE. Professor Lee noted that a large number of the graduates present had been already successfully admitted to the PCLL and added that: "I look forward to seeing some of you follow in Justice Pang’s footsteps in the years and decades to come and take up similarly eminent roles in the local legal and judicial professions."

英國及香港法律學士程度文憑 (專業共同試) (以下簡稱 “英港法文憑”)課程是由香港大學專業進修學院及英國國立曼徹斯特都會大學聯合主辦的課程。本課程一向深受歡迎而且名額有限,學員越早報名,被取錄的機會越高。
如果你想獲得本課程的最新或更多資訊,請瀏覽並密切關注香港大學專業進修學院法律學部在Facebook, Instagram and YouTube等平台發放的信息。
開課日期 2025年9月15日 (星期一)
修業期 2年
課程費用 课程费用57,900港幣整,另需支付曼切斯特都會大學註冊費用1,034英鎊和300港幣行政費(適用於2025/26學年入學新生,第一學年)
開課日期 待定
修業期 1年
課程費用 學費為港幣54,900元整;曼切斯特都會大學註冊費用為999英鎊;對於正在修讀英國及香港法律學士程度文憑 (專業共同試)的學生,註冊費用為950英鎊。


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