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專業實踐學科主題 -語言及文化

微證書是根據個人節奏、時間和興趣的個人化學習計劃,課程以技能為基礎及以專業為導向。適合任何希望推進事業發展、提升技能、轉換職業,甚至只是追求興趣的人。以下是 “語言及文化”主題的課程。更多主題和課程詳情請參閱此處

The programme aims to introduce students to the basic elements of Arab culture and role of Islam in Middle East countries and enable students to grasp the very basics of the Arabic language including greetings and self-introduction, yet excluding the writing system. Besides, some core values and ethical concepts of Islam will be clarified, and students can raise their awareness of cultural differences between America/ western countries and Middle East countries in communication patterns.

Students are provided with brief geographical and historical background information of the Arab world, where the cultural varieties and regional differences are also touched upon. Through discussions and case studies, students will explore Islam, not only as a religion, but also as a way of life with reference to background information given at the beginning of the programme. Common misconception and stereotyping will also be highlighted with different perspectives considered. A site visit to the Kowloon Mosque will be organised to consolidate students’ learning.

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. elaborate on at least 5 basic elements of Arab culture;
  2. greet and introduce themselves in simple Arabic;
  3. identify some core values as well as ethical concepts of Islam;
  4. analyse the cultural differences between America/ western countries and Middle East countries.
Start To be advised
Duration 12 weeks
Fee HK$4,350
This programme is geared towards entrepreneurs and employees in the business sector, with a specific focus on practical application of Islamic business etiquette. 

The programme aims to introduce students to the basic characteristics of the Islamic economic system and enable students to understand some work- or business-related concepts in Arabic. Besides, students will be familiarised with general Islamic business etiquette. Furthermore, students will also raise their awareness of cultural differences between China and Middle East countries through different case studies.

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. elaborate on at least 5 characteristics of Islamic economic system;
  2. explain some Arabic work- or business-related concepts clearly;
  3. identify the dos and don’ts in business with Arab countries and apply them in their analysis or even business operation;
  4. analyse the cultural differences between China and Middle East countries.
Start To be advised
Duration 12 weeks
Fee HK$4,350


The programme examines the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) in translation, including its impacts on the quality of translations, the role of human translators, and the potential ethical issues. It will also explore how AI can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of translation through machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques. Students will learn to collaborate with AI to provide translation for a variety of text types, including general documents, marketing materials, and literary texts.
Start 16 OCT 2024 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,700
The programme aims at exploring the basic aims, key principles, and main schools of thought in translation. By emphasizing translation as an act of communication, the programme introduces students to the practice of translation, the goal of which is to communicate the original message, attending its meaning while also taking into account the cultural and historical context of the text as well as the growing use of generative artificial intelligence in the process of translation. 
Start 05 FEB 2025 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,700

The programme examines the quality of translation (including the use of generative AI in the process of translation), the role of human translators, and the potential ethical issues that arise from the translation of materials that involve the representation of marginalised communities in society. Discussion includes fundamental concepts and understandings of cultural and identity issues that are common to non-profit organisation operations – issues such as gender, sexuality, race, and disabilities.  The aim of the programme is to get students to understand how translation promotes or underpins social justice through language choices in the target culture.  Through close scrutiny of real-life cases, students will be aware of the politics in translation activities and will learn strategies for doing translations that are cultural-sensitive. 

The programme will be useful for translators/people working in the fields of social work, NGOs, or any positions which require a certain amount of bilingual proficiency and sensitivity to diverse identities. 

Start 07 AUG 2024 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,700
This programme aims to provide students with the necessary skills to interpret consecutively between Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) and English languages. It covers the basic components and processes of consecutive interpretation (including the growing use of generative AI in the process of translation), with a heavy emphasis on consecutive interpretation role-play in simulated scenarios. Students will gain active-listening skills, note-taking skills, and rendition delivery. The delivery will include lectures and extensive practice in Hong Kong’s trilingual context – English, as well as Cantonese and Putonghua, will be used as the medium of instruction. 
Start 06 NOV 2024 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,700


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