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最新消息 活動預告

6月 2022

金融科技 x 去中心化金融 (線上直播)

開放日 2022




2022年6月11日 (星期六)14:00 - 15:00
  • 郭志成先生 (亞洲金融科技師學會(IFTA)創會人及副主席) ;
  • 胡顯豐先生 (亞洲金融科技師學會 (IFTA)數字資產實務委員會主席) ;
  • 陳家豪先生 (香港數字金融協會主席)


郭志成會計師是香港註冊執業會計師、香港註冊稅務師、 中國併購交易師、 CFP財務策劃師、CFT金融科技師、前海香港執業稅務師。 郭志成會計師從業30年以來, 為眾多海內外企業進行審計、融資、國際稅務統籌、公司重組、籌劃上市及專業培訓等服務。多年來, 他亦積極參與香港及中國內地各協會及大學的義務工作。郭先⽣是亞洲金融科技師學會 (IFTA) 創辦人及副主席。IFTA是一所非牟利組織,在亞洲為認可金融科技認證機構, 其使命和願景是培養具有最高品格道德、教育和專業行為標準的環球金融科技人才。此外,郭先生為香港財務策劃師學會(“IFPHK”)的創始執行委員會成員和名譽司庫,他還積極參與為銀行、金融機構和大學在香港和中國推廣金融和國際稅務規劃。


胡顯豐先生擁有超過 20 年的金融科技, 數字化轉型經驗,曾領導亞太地區美林證券、瑞銀以及麥格理集團的技術運營團隊。Artzioneer, QuantDART 和阡豐科技公司 的創始人兼董事,過去十年創立了不同的初創公司,包括: Anymex,P2P貨幣兌換平台; Gelato,智能酒店平台; QuantDART ,數字資產管理平台; Artzioneer NFT 市場平台。


Emil is a FinTech enthusiast with over 20 years experience in managing IT, back office operations and business transformation projects in international financial institutions. He had worked for several sizeable international banks including Credit Suisse and BayernLB as the roles of First Vice President, Head of IT in Asia Pacific, Project Director and Operations Manager Asia Pacific. He has extensive experience in both Business and IT consulting encompassing the design, setup, leading and managing of cross-border projects throughout Asia. Emil is currently the Honorary Chairman of SmartHK, an NGO to promote startups for underprivileged and the members and advisors of several FinTech startups. He is also the adjunct lecturer of FinTech courses for Hong Kong University SPACE, Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University . He conducts CPD accredited courses for professional bodies including HK Law Society, HK Institute of CPA, Project Management Institute, etc. Moreover, he compiles and delivers in-house training courses for well known international companies and financial institutions. In the past 10 years, he participated actively in voluntary community services in related to popularization of technology. He is the founding Chairman of the Association of Cloud and Mobile Computing Professionals, Past Vice President and Supervisory Committee Member of Internet Profession Association (iProA), the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association. He is also the Chairman of Smart City Consortium FinTech Committee, the Vice President and Hon. Secretary of Hong Kong Blockchain Development Association, Council Member of Hong Kong Software Industry Association, Think Tank Member of Dashun Foundation and Committee Member of the Hong Kong Cross Border eCommerce Association. Emil hosts seminars, delivers public speeches and publishes articles of FinTech related topics on media. He has also be interviewed by major media from time to time. Emil had obtained a bachelor degree on Applied Computer Science from Hong Kong Open University and graduated from the University of Iowa with a Master of Business Administration degree. To facilitate his training skill, he also had obtained the NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Trainer Certificate with strong rapport building and story telling or over 20 years.

2867 8312 (
Advanced Diploma in FinTech 環球投資管理學證書

以太坊區塊鏈為世界帶來了「可編寫的貨幣」, 進而推動「質押融資」、「去中心化交易所(DEX)」等多種去中心化金融 DeFi的應用。究竟這個技術的發展始末為何?DeFi到底如何運作?有怎麼樣的風險?本演講將帶領大家從基礎面去了解。


語言 - 粵語
