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2月 2023

Web3 101 for Executives in Financial Service Industry (15 Feb 23)





2023年2月15日 (星期三)13:00 - 13:45 免費
Online seminar via Zoom
  • Mr Emil Chan

Mr Emil Chan

Mr Emil Chan is a FinTech enthusiast with over 20 years of experience in managing IT, back office operations and business transformation projects in international financial institutions. He had worked for several sizeable international banks including Credit Suisse and Bayern LB in the roles of First Vice President, Head of IT in Asia Pacific, Project Director and Operations Manager Asia Pacific. He has extensive experience in both Business and IT consulting encompassing the design, setup, leading and managing of cross-border projects throughout Asia. Emil is currently the Honorary Chairman of SmartHK, an NGO to promote startups for the underprivileged and the members and advisors of several FinTech startups. He is also the adjunct lecturer of FinTech courses for Hong Kong University SPACE, local universities and tertiary institutions. He conducts CPD-accredited courses for professional bodies including HK Law Society, HK Institute of CPA, Project Management Institute, etc. Moreover, he compiles and delivers in-house training courses for well-known international companies and financial institutions. In the past 10 years, he participated actively in voluntary community services related to the popularization of technology. He is the founding Chairman of the Association of Cloud and Mobile Computing Professionals, Past Vice President and Supervisory Committee Member of the Internet Profession Association (iProA), and the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association. He is also the Chairman of the Smart City Consortium FinTech Committee, the Vice President and Hon. Secretary of Hong Kong Blockchain Development Association, Council Member of the Hong Kong Software Industry Association, Think Tank Member of Dashun Foundation and Committee Member of the Hong Kong Cross Border eCommerce Association. Emil hosts seminars, delivers public speeches and publishes articles on FinTech-related topics in media. He has also been interviewed by major media from time to time.

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Postgraduate Diploma in FinTech and Legal Regulations Executive Certificate in Applications of Blockchain in Financial Technology Executive Certificate in Banking and Financial Technology

The third-generation Internet, Web 3.0 (Web3), provides the technological infrastructure to drive Metaverse and brings new opportunities to the financial services industry. In the Web 3 world, both ownership and control are decentralized, and both builders and users can hold NFT and other tokens to enjoy specific network services. Driven by the global blockchain technology upsurge, Web 3.0 is no longer a theory or buzzword on paper, but a technological revolution that subverts the online world. Being supported by DLT (distributed ledger technology) and the decentralized network world based on blockchain, Web3 facilitates the information transfer to value transfer. It assists the continuous development of digital assets and explores the true value of blockchain. The speaker will share with you the applications of Web3 in FinTech and the viewpoint to reposition Hong Kong by FinTech.

Reorientation in the digital era

- Basic concept and the brief history of Web3 and Metaverse

- From freely transfer of information to transferring of value

Digital Assets Fundamental

- The true value of Blockchain

- The 'money' in the Metaverse

- Telling the differences of digital assets, cryptocurrency and CBDC

The Road Ahead Repositioning Hong Kong’s by FinTech

- The new role of a ’Super Connector'

- To build the new digit infrastructure

- Playing smart in the new games in the decoupling traditional financial world