HKU SPACE Law: Paving the Way for a Career in the UK
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- HKU SPACE Law: Paving the Way for a Career in the UK

HKU SPACE Law: Paving the Way for a Career in the UK
Llaw studies at HKU SPACE played a vital role in paving the way for my new career in UK.
"I initially enrolled on HKU SPACE’s Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies out of interest. However my legal studies at HKU SPACE ended up really helping advance my career as well—and helped secure my first job in London.
There are good job opportunities in the UK in the tax compliance teams of the Big 4 accounting firms if you have a professional background in law. Fortunately my studies on the Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies fitted the bill for these jobs.
You’ll need to be able to draft correspondence to clients and tax authorities in a professional manner and be familiar with relevant laws and procedures—all skills which are covered on the Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies.
So my law studies at HKU SPACE played a vital role in paving the way for my new career in the UK."
Victor Chan
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