學習葡萄牙語的 5 大理由
1) 龐大的葡語人口
葡萄牙語是全球 7 種最常用語言之一,使用者超過 2.5 億,其中大部分居住在葡萄牙和巴西,但也包括一些非洲國家。
2) 樂迷必備的語言
3) 通往羅曼語言的門戶
4) 不斷成長的商業機會
5. 環球旅行者的絕佳去處
旅行愛好者絕不能錯過熱鬧非常的巴西嘉年華,或享譽國際的葡萄牙 Agitágueda 藝術節,當中數百把色彩繽紛的雨傘覆蓋著城市的各個街道長達 23 天,蔚為奇觀。
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkuspace.european
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@europeanhkuspace7078
11 項結果
- 排序方式
- 課程名稱
- 讓學員瞭解基本對話中使用的簡單短語和句子,如:自我介紹、問候、預訂酒店房間、點餐、談論工作、問路、談論喜好和假期。
- 為學員提供簡單溝通所需的基本語法和詞彙,如現在式、形容詞、冠詞、基本情態動詞(如 poder 和 dever)及地點介詞。
- 讓學員掌握基本聆聽技巧,能理解比較清晰和緩慢的簡單日常對話。
- 讓學生瞭解一些葡萄牙文化,如飲食、問候、節日和地域等。
- 使學生能從簡易的文本如表格、餐牌和簡單的文章中提取資訊,並能撰寫簡短的明信片和填寫表格,如酒店登記表。
開課日期 2025年4月12日 (星期六)
修業期 40個星期
課程費用 HK$9,600
- 加妁強學員於日常對話的信心,如談論家庭、喜好(如食物、運動和旅行)、工作及進行簡單的電話交談。
- 鞏固在初級課程中所學的基礎語法,包括將來式和條件式、過去式、比較句型及動名詞和分詞。
- 使學員能撰寫簡短的信件或電子郵件,並填寫個人簡歷,並能於電話對話中記下簡單要點。
- 增強學員在聽力方面的信心,以理解簡單資訊和日常對話中的主要內容,如聆聽有關家庭、本地和喜好的資訊時,或在聆聽電話對話中的基本資訊時。
- 向學員介紹一些葡萄牙文化的重要領域,如飲食文化、葡語國家的地域、房屋、不同行業如旅遊和時尚等。
開課日期 2025年4月25日 (星期五)
修業期 40個星期
課程費用 HK$9,750
- 改善學員在表達各種主題時的口語能力和流暢度,如休閒活動、體育、文化、藝術、飲食、假期等。
- 鞏固及加深學員在說話和寫作中的語法準確性。
- 使學員能夠就個人興趣撰寫各種簡單文本。
- 增強學員在聽力方面的信心,讓學員能理解並應對電話和日常對話中具挑戰性的情境。
- 提升學員對葡萄牙文化的理解,並促進其與自身國家文化的比較,以助學員於葡萄牙或其他葡語國家更輕鬆地應對日常生活中的各種情境。
- 改善學員在表達各種主題時的口語能力和流暢度,如休閒活動、體育、文化、藝術、飲食、假期等。
- 鞏固及加深學員在說話和寫作中的語法準確性。
- 使學員能夠就個人興趣撰寫各種簡單文本。
- 增強學員在聽力方面的信心,讓學員能理解並應對電話和日常對話中具挑戰性的情境。
- 提升學員對葡萄牙文化的理解,並促進其與自身國家文化的比較,以助學員於葡萄牙或其他葡語國家更輕鬆地應對日常生活中的各種情境。
開課日期 待定
修業期 40個星期
課程費用 HK$10,300
- 聆聽、追溯和總結現實對話中的關鍵資訊。
- 閱讀真實文本,識別和分析不同觀點。
- 在各種情況下適當地表達和討論更抽象的概念。
- 清晰地在現實情境中傳達比較抽象的概念,並詳細闡述彼此的觀點。
- 聆聽、追溯和總結現實對話中的關鍵資訊。
- 閱讀真實文本,識別和分析不同觀點。
- 在各種情況下適當地表達和討論更抽象的概念。
- 清晰地在現實情境中傳達比較抽象的概念,並詳細闡述彼此的觀點。
開課日期 待定
修業期 40個星期
課程費用 HK$10,300
This course is designed for complete beginners. The course will give students a first taste of the language, focusing on several skills (oral communication, listening and basic grammar). Students will practise the language in an interactive class and will learn a little about the culture of Portuguese-speaking countries.
Start 24 JAN 2025 (FRI)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,650
This course continues on from Beginners´ Portuguese. It uses the latest communicative methodology, giving participants plenty of opportunities to listen and speak the language whilst improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation at the same time. Topics include directions around town, transport, talking about food, time, daily routines and family. The students will keep practising the language in an interactive class environment, and at the same time will learn about the culture of the Portuguese-speaking world (with continuous references to Brazil, Macao and other ex-Portuguese colonies). There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,650
This course continues on from Beginners´Portuguese 2, so is designed for beginners who already possess a basic knowledge of Portuguese and want to continue their learning. Students will move into an A1.2 level from the CEFR practicing the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the structures for the future, the present continuous, to make plans, suggestions, etc. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,150
This course continues on from Beginners' Portuguese 3, so is designed for beginners who already possess a basic knowledge of Portuguese (written and spoken) and want to continue their learning. Students will complete an A1.2 level from the CEFR practicing the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the structures for the future, the present continuous, to make plans, suggestions, etc. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,150
This course continues on from the previous series Beginners' Portuguese 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is designed for students who already possess a basic knowledge of Portuguese (written and spoken) and want to continue their learning. Students will begin an A.2.1 level from the CEFR practicing the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the verb tenses for the future and simple past (“preterito perfeito”). They will learn to describe events in the past, go shopping, access services such as at the post office and the bank, request and give directions, give commands, etc.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,150
This course continues on from the previous series Intermediate' Portuguese 1. It is designed for students who already possess a basic knowledge of Portuguese (written and spoken) and want to continue their learning. Within an A.2. level from the CEFR practicing the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the verb tenses for the future and past continuous (“preterito imperfeito”). They will learn to book a table, order food and drinks at a restaurant, how to complain, make polite requests, express wishes and preferences and make suggestions, etc. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,150
訂閱 學院電子通訊