最新消息 活動預告
4月 2024
How to Design a Stock Price Analytics System with a BI Solution? (Part 1) 如何使用 BI 解決方案設計股票價格分析系統?(第一部分) (2024年4月24日)
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- 金融科技及金融分析
- 日期及時間
- 2024年4月24日 (星期三)13:00 - 13:45
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- 免費
Mr Danny W. C. Chan
Mr. Chan, FRM, has possessed rich experience in financial risk management, information technology and data science and worked as IT Manager over a decade. Being a practitioner in information technology, he is currently a consultant and trainer at Big Data Consultancy Services Company. Also, he is strong in Cloud-based solutions, Big Data Technology, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Moreover, Mr. Chan has obtained a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as three Master Degrees in Risk Management Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Quantitative Analysis for Business from City University of Hong Kong and Industrial Logistics Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
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- 2867 8331 (finedec@hkuspace.hku.hk)
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1. 收集歷史股價
2. 將採集到的股價記錄轉換成合適的格式呈現
3. 將轉換後的股價數據集呈現為可呈現且有用的佈局,以方便分析和投資者審查。
在本次講座(網絡研討會)中,講者將展示如何使用 BI 方法為香港股票價格設計分析系統。這將使您對數據自動化和數據可視化技術的實際使用有一個全新的認識。
1. 可視化股市表現的宏觀趨勢(即股市是牛市還是熊市)
2. 確定股票市場部門的表現是否正在改善
3. 選擇近期表現好或差的股票
4. 識別超賣或超買的股票
5. 用燭台圖、布林帶圖等可視化股價趨勢。
如果您有興趣向 Danny sir 學習股票價格分析系統,請報名參加網路研討會。