最新消息 活動預告
10月 2016
(星期六) 10
9月 2017

2016年10月1日 (星期六) 至2016年12月31日 (星期六)
免費29107680 -
2016年10月15日 (星期六)17:30 - 19:00
- 地點
- Kowloon East Campus Student Common Room
2016年10月15日 (星期六)19:30 - 22:00
HKU SPACE Community College Homecoming Dinner
- 地點
- 九龍九龍灣宏開道28號香港大學附屬學院禮堂
2016年10月26日 (星期三)09:45 - 17:30 免費
2016年10月28日 (星期五)10:30 - 11:30 免費
Royal Air Force (RAF) Red Arrows - Visit to HKU SPACE
- 地點
- 金鐘統一中心6樓國際學院(金鐘港鐵站D出口)
2910 7626 -
2016年11月5日 (星期六)14:30 - 16:302975 5691
2016年11月12日 (星期六)14:30 - 16:302975 5691
2016年11月19日 (星期六)14:30 - 16:302975 5691
2016年11月24日 (星期四)18:30 - 21:00
International Dinner Forum - “Why ‘Glocal’ Matters, HK?”: The Importance of International Education
- 地點
- 27/F, Club Lusitano, 16 Ice House Street, Central
Donald Markwell
Dr Donald Markwell has been an education leader in his native Australia and in Britain. Born in the Australian outback, Dr Markwell was Rhodes Scholar for Queensland for 1981, and educated at the Universities of Queensland and Oxford, and at Princeton University. Dr Markwell served as Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford (2009-12); as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University of Western Australia (2007-09); as Warden of Trinity College, University of Melbourne (1997-2007), including with responsibility for Trinity College Foundation Studies; and as Fellow & Tutor in Politics at Merton College, Oxford (1986-97). Since returning to Australia from Oxford in 2012, he has headed the Menzies Research Centre, an Australian public policy think tank, where he was a leader in the development of the New Colombo Plan to take Australian students to study in universities in the Asia-Pacific region, and has served as a senior adviser on higher education to the Australian Minister for Education and on national security and constitutional issues to the Australian Attorney-General. Dr Markwell's books and other writings focus on international relations, constitutional history, educational philosophy, and Australian politics, and include John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace (2006), "A Large and Liberal Education": Higher Education for the 21st Century (2007), "Instincts to Lead": On Leadership, Peace, and Education (2013), and Constitutional Conventions and the Headship of State: Australian Experience (2016).
Natalie Brett
Natalie Brett has been Head of London College of Communication and Pro Vice-Chancellor of University of the Arts London since January 2013. She was previously Dean of College at Camberwell College of Arts, and has over 20-year experience within the Higher Education sector at both a national and international level. She has led the development of new approaches to learning and teaching within the University and has substantial experience in supporting widening participation activities and support for disabled staff and students. Natalie has a degree in Visual Communications and has worked as an illustrator and graphic designer for over 20 years both in the UK and the USA. Since being at the University, Natalie has led and contributed to a number of projects that have impacted on enhancing the experience of students and engaging with external partners and participants. These have included Peckham Space and working with Tate Britain, The British Library and the South London Gallery in supporting the development of their education programmes. She has led the initiative on developing a postgraduate community across UAL through a series of programmed events and activities. Natalie has curated across UAL exhibitions for Future Map and the London Design Festival and supported many of the UAL Widening Participation initiatives with schools in Southwark including Saturday Class, Summer School and the Big Draw. Natalie is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA) and is a member of the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) executive.
Ken Wong
Ken Wong is Head of HKU SPACE International College. He has his vision set on practising education with a ‘glocal’ synthesis and nudging internationalisation in higher education. Ken has responsibility for leading on, promoting and implementing a global network of collaborations with academic and business organisations, as well as managing the strategic, academic, financial and branding aspects of the College. At HKU SPACE, he has developed several key initiatives in partnership, learning and community engagement. Ken has led the University of Western Australia joint BA programmes, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama executive education and more recently, two joint master’s programmes in collaboration with the University of the Arts London (UAL). The HKU SPACE-UAL (Central Saint Martins) programme in Arts and Cultural Enterprise is the first and the only overseas PG presence outside the UK in Central Saint Martins' 160 years of history. Graduated with a first class in English and started his advertising career in Leo Burnett Worldwide, Ken moved onto graduate studies in media and cultural economy in the UK in the late 1990s. He publishes papers, articles, journal reviews and book chapters on gender studies, cultural politics, arts/media consumption and lately, on transnational education, creative industries and Hong Kong's positioning. Since 2004, Ken has given guest lectures and talks to a wide range of audiences in universities, institutes, think tanks and professional associations in HK, China, S. E. Asia, Australia and the UK. Recently, he hopes to elicit the collective brain power of young leaders, through a co-founding organisation, to propel Hong Kong onward to its full potential.
2910 7626 / 2910 7629 -
2016年11月26日 (星期六)14:30 - 16:302975 5691
2016年12月27日 (星期二) 至2016年12月31日 (星期六)
- 地點
- 香港大會堂低座展覽廳
3762-0086 -
2016年12月20日 (星期二) 至2017年9月10日 (星期日)
免費 -
2017年1月22日 (星期日) 至2017年1月28日 (星期六)
- 地點
- 銅鑼灣維多利亞公園 年宵花市173號攤位
2017年3月22日 (星期三)13:00 - 14:00 免費
- 地點
- 香港金鐘夏愨道18號海富中心金鐘教學中心204室
- 講者
- 董學賢先生(Parfumerie Trésor 始創人)
董學賢先生(Parfumerie Trésor 始創人)
2867-8481 -
2017年3月28日 (星期二)13:00 - 14:00 免費37611008
2017年4月4日 (星期二)20:00 - 22:30 免費
年度音樂會: 60 Years of Pop, Rock & Musicals
- 地點
- 香港文化中心音樂廳
2017年4月21日 (星期五)13:00 - 14:00 免費
一點鐘講堂: 以禪法提昇工作力量
- 地點
- 金鐘海富中心2樓204室
張少能博士 ( 覺慧居士 )
現場出席名額已滿。29755692 -
2017年4月27日 (星期四)13:00 - 14:00 免費
- 地點
- 香港金鐘夏愨道18號海富中心金鐘教學中心
- 講者
- 林碧琪女士 (HKU SPACE 企業研究院課程主任暨高級講師)
林碧琪女士 (HKU SPACE 企業研究院課程主任暨高級講師)
2867-8481 -
2017年6月29日 (星期四)14:00 - 18:00 免費
"Globalisation vs Deglobalisation" Forum
- 地點
- Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, HKU
- 講者
- Professor Jeffry Frieden ;
- Professor Harold James ;
- Mr. Ronnie C. Chan ;
- Mr. Antony Leung Kam-chung ;
- Professor Ning R. LIU
Professor Jeffry Frieden
Professor of Government at Harvard University
Professor Harold James
Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University
Mr. Ronnie C. Chan
Chairman, Hang Lung Properties Limited
Mr. Antony Leung Kam-chung
Group Chairman & CEO , Nan Fung Group
Professor Ning R. LIU
Deputy Director (Business and China), HKU SPACE Head, HKU SPACE Executive Academy
2017年8月25日 (星期五)13:00 - 14:00 免費
一點鐘講堂: Sharing Economy---共享衣櫃減浪費 減得一條得一條
- 地點
- 香港金鐘夏慤道18號海富中心3樓302室
2017年8月31日 (星期四)13:00 - 14:00 免費3761 1188/ 3762 4333
2017年9月10日 (星期日)
Gala Dinner
- 地點
- 香港會議展覽中心