工程及科學 圖書館及資訊科學
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HK$12,600 per 8 points subject;
HK$6,300 per 4 points subject;
HK$3,150 per 2 points subject.
HK$138,600 (for HDLIM graduates)
HK$302,400 (for Non HDLIM graduates)
Actual course fee will be assessed on the number of subjects required.
-- Course fee is subject to review at the time of enrolment
-- The tuition fee is paid by subjects per session (3 sessions in a year).

Master of Information Studies provides students with in-depth understanding of the creation, evaluation, collection, organisation, utilisation and dissemination of information in the contemporary information environment.
HK$7,613 per 4 credit points subject
HK$3,806 per 2 credit points subject
* Subject to review at the time of enrolment
The tuition fee is paid by subjects per session (3 sessions in a year).
The Postgraduate Diploma in Archival Studies, the first -ever and the one-of-a-kind archival program available in Hong Kong, was established with an aim to solve this archivist’s shortage problem.
1. describe the characteristics of different types of library and information centres;
2. develop skills and techniques required by library assistants in identification, acquisition, storage, organization, use and
circulation of information;
3. identify various application of information technologies in library services;
4. evaluate various categories of information resources, print or electronic for the provision of information service;
The programme is suited to prepare professionals or administrators who have to take their leadership in preparing and continuing the implementation of Knowledge Management in the areas of organising and improving knowledge capturing, creation, application and sharing in their organisations. Various aspects of knowledge management as well as the application of technology in this field will be covered. Participants will experience the use of tools in knowledge management, such as After Action Review, Action Learning and Knowledge Creation. Current practices of various KM Models will be discussed. Case studies will be used and examples of local organisations will be shared.
1. 描述各種類型圖書館及資訊中心的特色;
2. 建立圖書館助理員管理圖書館所需的技術及技巧, 如圖書資源的識別、搜集、貯存、組織、使用及流通;
3. 認識應用在圖書館服務的各種資訊技術;
4. 評估資訊服務所需的各種資訊來源, 包括印刷的及電子的資源等。