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The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) launched the "Biliteracy and Trilingualism Campaign (the Campaign)" in December 2023. With the invitation from SCOLAR and funding support from the Language Fund, the Centre for Language Education and Assessment (Centre) of the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education organized the "Voice of Putonghua: Dubbing Competition" as part of the Campaign. The primary objective of the competition was to provide a platform for the public to learn and practise Putonghua, particularly among students, as well as enhancing their language proficiency and speaking confidence. Additionally, the competition aimed to foster and promote the use of Putonghua in the community.


HKU SPACE "Voice of Putonghua: Dubbing Competition" (2023/24) has come to a successful end on 27/04/2024. We welcome all of you to follow and participate in other events organized by CLEA. Please visit our website for more details.


If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

WhatsApp: +852 6539 7048 (WhatsApp only)

