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Hospitality and tourism management programmes are professionally designed to suit the emerging needs of the industy, and they are taught by experienced industry practitioners and/or visiting lecturers from the distinguished University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. Our emphasis on learner-centred teaching aims to stimulate students and give them a global perspective, so that they can widen their horizons and enhance their employabiliity beyond Hong Kong and the region. The comprehensive articulation pathway from Advanced Diploma, top-up Bachelor and further to Master degree in hospitality and tourism education provides the best possible study choices for learners from different academic and professional backgrounds.
Prepare for a career in the festival, event and related sectors. This popular programme is designed with strong vocational relevance. You will gain the practical skills to plan, design, market, operate and develop events of different scales, and be able to apply appropriate theories and concepts of event management to practical situations.
This hospitality management degree programme is designed to provide a strong vocational theme relevant for a wide range of employment sectors in the hospitality industry. Hospitality embraces a wide range of sectors including: contract catering, hotels, leisure (such as theatres and casinos), licensed retail (pubs and clubs), restaurants and welfare catering. Hospitality continues to be one of the largest growth industries. Its successful management depends on high quality business skills and the ability to provide consumer satisfaction. This programme aims to equip students with appropriate knowledge and understanding of hospitality and to develop their skills needed for employment or further study.
This cruise management degree programme aims to enable students to gain a thorough understanding of this unique employment area and have a critical awareness of the issues that underpin best practice. In addition, the programme enables students to develop vocationally relevant managerial skills needed for employment in the global cruise industry and the wider hospitality sector.
This tourism management degree programme aims to enable students to gain a broad understanding of the development of tourism and have a critical awareness of the issues that underpin best practice in this field. The programme also enables students to meet the changing demands of society and the economy, and develop vocationally relevant managerial skills needed for employment or further study. In particular, students will be able to integrate subject specific knowledge and transferable skills to develop a specialist topic in depth, conduct a research investigation, and effectively report the findings in the Honours Project module.
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