What's Happening Events
Jun 2020
Diamond Sutra and Zen Meditation
- Event of
- Open SPACE 2020
- Subject
- Pharmaceutical Studies
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- Date & time
- 27Jun 2020 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00
- Venue
- online talk
- Fee
- Free
Dr Cheung Siu Nang Bruce, Head, College of Life Sciences and Technology, HKU SPACE
Dr Cheung Siu Nang Bruce (Xuanjue Acarya) is the Head of College of Life Sciences and Technology at the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, and Chairman of Chinese Wisdoms Society. Dr Cheung holds a PhD from the University of Hong Kong, and is an AI specialist by profession. In his younger days he studied in depth both Eastern and Western cultures, and was especially interested in the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, I-Ching (Book of Changes), metaphysics, Buddhist studies, qigong, and meditation. In the past 20 years, Dr Cheung devoted himself to Buddhist studies. He started with reading books of Buddhism, and studied different sutras and their expositions. He then moved on to Theravada Buddhism, the Pure Land school, the Esoteric school (Mizong), and the Zen school. His understanding and his praxis progress simultaneously, and he finally based them on Zen teachings. He understood thoroughly the marvelous truth of the bodhicitta (mind of enlightenment), and found its benefits to be boundless. He therefore vowed to carry on the wisdom life of the Buddha, and expounded the Zen school’s method to train the mind during meditation, so as to ‘attain Buddhahood on perceiving our Buddha-nature’. This purifies the heart and awakens both ourselves and others. The following is a series of books (in Chinese) by Dr Cheung on the sutras of the Zen school: The Platform Sutra and the Meditative Mind 《壇經禪心》, The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and the Buddha-mind 《楞伽佛心》, The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment and the Meditative Mind 《圓覺禪心》, The Śūraṅgama Sūtra and the Meditative Mind 《楞嚴禪心》, Zen teachings in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra 《楞嚴禪觀》, The Vimalakirti Sutra and the Heart of Purity 《維摩清淨心》, and The Diamond Sutra and the Meditative Mind《金剛經禪心》.
- Enquiry
- 3762 0081 (mandy.tym.chan@hkuspace.hku.hk)
- Relevant Programmes
- Remarks
Language - Cantonese

Discuss the secrets of the Diamond Sutra and learn how its Buddhist teachings promote living in serenity and ease.
《金剛經》全稱《金剛般若波羅蜜經》,是領悟「成佛」的最簡易法門,被視為領悟一切佛法、直入覺悟核心的無上解脫心法之所在。 在講座中,張少能博士將與大家一起探討《金剛經》的秘密,並了解其佛教教義如何促進解脫自在的生活。
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