What's Happening Events
Jun 2020
Shopping for the Perfect Diamond: beyond the 4Cs
- Event of
- Open SPACE 2020
- Subject
- Accounting
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- Date & time
- 27Jun 2020 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00
- Venue
- online talk
- Fee
- Free
Mr Andrew S.Y. Loo, HRD-CDG Certified Diamond Grader
Mr Andrew S.Y. Loo, HRD-CDG Certified Diamond Grader HRD-CDG 認可鑽石鑑定師 盧信義先生
- Enquiry
- 28678313
- Remarks
Language - Cantonese

人造鑽石(HPHT 和CVD)跟天然鑽石的物理和光學性質幾乎相同。 它們同樣非常堅硬,並有多種顏色和品質可供選擇。究竟如何識別人造鑽石與天然鑽石?天然鑽石鑑定4C評級是什麼?成為鑽石鑑證師要什麼條件?盧信義先生將會在講座中為大家一一解答。
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