What's Happening Events
Jun 2020
襌 – 助人自助,走出疫境
- Event of
- Open SPACE 2020
- Subject
- Pharmaceutical Studies
Thanks for your participation!
The above event has been completed successfully. Please look forward to the upcoming events.
- Date & time
- 27Jun 2020 (Sat)16:00 - 17:00
- Venue
- online talk
- Fee
- Free
- Speaker
- Dr. Jessica LK Tang
Dr. Jessica LK Tang
鄧聿琪博士 是一位持有心理學博士(臨床心理學) 並接受香港和英國訓練的臨床心理學家。鄧博士現時為英國 (HCPC) 註冊臨床心理學家及英國特許心理學家。她除了為兒童,青少年和成年人提供臨床心理服務外,亦為家長和其他助人專業人士提供培訓/ 講座。鄧博士除了私人執業外,她現為香港大學佛學研究中心的助理講師及香港大學持續進修學院的講師。
- Enquiry
- 3762 0081 (mandy.tym.chan@hkuspace.hku.hk)
- Relevant Programmes
- Remarks
Language - Cantonese

This seminar aims to provide a basic understanding of Zen and demonstrate how to deal with some daily challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic from a Zen perspective. These challenges will be discussed in the context of human-nature relationship, social/ familial relationship and intrapersonal relationship. A Zen way of living can help ourselves and others to remain grounded in the midst of a storm and live a happier life.
The School may make available related programme information material at the seminar.
The School reserves the right to alter or modify the schedule of the event if necessary or expedient.