What's Happening Events
Jan 2021
- Subject
- Finance and Compliance, Financial Services and Insurance
Thanks for your participation!
The above event has been completed successfully. Please look forward to the upcoming events.
- Date & time
- 18Jan 2021 (Mon)19:00 - 19:30 Free
- Venue
- Facebook 或 Youtube
- Speaker
- Stanley Hui, President, HKALA ;
- William Ho, Secretary, HKALA ;
- Clarence Leung, Treasurer, HKALA
Stanley Hui, President, HKALA
William Ho, Secretary, HKALA
Clarence Leung, Treasurer, HKALA
- Enquiry
- Enquiry: 2975 5767 (stella.chung@hkuspace.hku.hk)

講座簡介:二零二零年新冠肺炎嚴重打擊航空業,同時牽連到飛機租賃及融資業務。在疫情之下飛機租賃及融資業務要如何提升市場競爭力,不被淘汰呢?本講座由香港飛機租賃和航空融資協會Stanley Hui (President)、William Ho (Secretary)及Clarence Leung (Treasurer)主講,跟大家一起談討飛機融資和租賃業務的挑戰及機遇。
直播平台: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/hkuspacebusiness) 或 Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/HKUSPACECBF/featured)