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What's Happening Events

Nov 2023

1 pm talk: Golden Rules for Data Analytics

Business Management and Administration, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

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Date & time
28Nov 2023 (Tue)13:00 - 13:30
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel / Zoom Webinar
  • Veronica Ho (Head of Data Analytics & Insights, Swire Properties Limited)
Veronica Ho

Veronica Ho

Veronica Ho is a strong believer in data as a language to tell compelling business stories - to create values for customers, business and partners. As the Head of Data Analytics & Insights, Veronica champions Data Management, Data Analytics and Data Governance of Swire Properties Ltd. Prior to joining Swire Properties Limited, she has gathered some 20 years of experience in marketing, CRM and digital transformation in the airline and retail sectors.

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1 pm talk: Golden Rules for Data Analytics

Being a veteran in data analytics and customer insights, Ms Ho has identified certain golden rules of data analytics that really enable companies to know their customers and to serve their customers based on their real needs.  She will also share real-life examples that she has gone through to add values to her company and customers she is serving.

Language: Cantonese(Supplemented with English)