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Jun 2024

City of Stars: Visual Culture Exhibition and Talk

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Open SPACE 2024
Psychology & Counselling

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)15:00 - 16:00
Room 604, United Centre, 95 Queensway, HK (On-site registration only)
  • Mr Chung Ho Fai (College Lecturer of HKU SPACE Community College)

Mr Chung Ho Fai

College Lecturer of Visual Culture

On-site registration only 3416 6338 (

This exhibition will showcase artworks that span themes of living spaces and workplaces, individuals and objects, bustling city scenes and remote islands, streets and parks. During both day and night, it captures the unnoticed “stars” in ordinary lives. Through the exhibition of these artworks, it explores the diferent aspects of the local cultue with the lens of various visual forms. Also, there will be a sharing session by the moderator and students, which enhance the interaction between the students and visitors. 

Language: Cantonese  


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