電腦運算及數據科學 數碼內容製作
With the popularity of Internet technologies and hand-held devices, comic works could now be easily published on different media platforms. The comic industry is moving from the traditional paper-based drawing to digital publishing tools.
The programme aims to develop students’ awareness and understanding of various concepts and technological skills in digital comic design and production and help students explore the career opportunity of the ever-changing digital comic industry.
課程結構 programme Structure
The programme consists of 180 hours (60 lessons) and is divided into 5 modules.
單元Module 1 12 小時hours
漫畫製作概述 Overview of Comic Production
- 數碼漫畫和創意產業簡介 Introduction to the digital comic and creative industry
- 亞洲區之漫畫文化 Comic cultures of Asian regions
- 漫畫發展週期 Comic development cycle
- 版權議題 Copyright issues
- 漫畫文化鑑賞 Appreciation of comic culture
- 漫畫的成功因素 Success factors of comic
單元Module 2 48 小時hours
漫畫設計與故事發展基礎 Fundamentals of Comic Design and Story Development
- 傳統與現代漫畫繪製方法 Traditional and Modern Comic Drawing Technique
- 故事發展 Story Development
單元Module 3 36 小時hours
數碼漫畫意象創作 Digital Comic Imagery Creation
- 視覺傳達設計基礎 Fundamentals of visual communication design
- 視覺元素 Visual elements
- 使用藝術語言 Use of artistic language
- 資訊蒐集 Information research
- 角色配置和設計 Character setting and design
- 背景配置和設計 Background setting and design
- 不同材料的繪製技巧 Technique of drawing different materials
- 特效繪圖技巧 Special effect drawing techniques
- 漫畫框架和佈局設計 Digital comic frame and layout design
- 對話框設計 Speech bubble design
單元Module 4 69 小時hours
數碼漫畫製作 Digital Comic Production
- 數碼漫畫軟件的應用 Application of digital comic software
- 漫畫製作流程 Comic production process
- 創意插圖設計簡介 Introduction to creative illustration design
單元Module 5 15 小時hours
於數碼社交媒體平台上出版內容 Content Publication on Digital Social Media Platform
- 出版業簡介 Introduction to the publishing industry
- 特許權使用費計算 Royalty fee calculation
- 創意產業及社交媒體的最新發展趨勢 Latest development trend of social media for the creative industry
- 於桌面和手機應用程式出版漫畫 Desktop and mobile applications for comic publication
學習成效 Learning outcomes
- 描述漫畫行業各種職位的功能;
- 在故事創作過程中,以創新的方式表達意念,從而展示創意思維和講故事技巧;
- 運用漫畫設計原則和技巧製作數碼漫畫內容;
- 通過團隊工作,整合解難能力、分析能力和溝通技巧,解決數碼漫畫設計和製作相關的問題;
- 展示對漫畫和創意產業所需的職業操守和正面價值觀有基礎的認識;
- 提升相關範疇之升學及就業發展所需的自我認知。
On completion of the programme, students should be able to
- describe the functions of various job positions in the comic industry;
- demonstrate creative thinking and storytelling skills through expressing ideas in innovative ways in the story development
process; - apply comic design principles and techniques to produce digital comic content;
- integrate problem-solving, analytical and communication skills to solve digital comic design and production related problems through teamwork;
- demonstrate a basic understanding of the work ethics and positive values required by the comic and creative industry;
- develop self-understanding for further studies and career development in the related field.
評核 Assessment
包括筆試 、實習、專題報告及口頭匯報
Includes written test, practical exercise, project and presentation.
學銜 Award
Students who successfully complete the programme (have at least 80% attendance and achieve qualified results in assessment tasks) will be awarded "Certificate in Digital Comic Design and Production (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) (QF Level 3)" within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.
The programme can be delivered in either English or Cantonese, depending on the number of applicants.
上課模式 Class Mode
Mode 1:
3 hours lesson in every Saturday morning or afternoon, or full day lesson at HKU SPACE Learning Centres. Summer class will be arranged.
Mode 2:
Arranged by secondary school and HKU SPACE; class can be arranged on weekday and/or Saturday. Depends on the equipment/facility needed, some lessons may be held at HKU SPACE Learning Centre. Summer class will be arranged.
上課時間表 (只供APL學生使用)
2023 - 2025 學年 2023 - 2025 Cohort
Class A I Class B I Class C I Class AA I Class BB
2024 - 2026 學年 2024 - 2026 Cohort
Class A I Class B I Class C I Class AA
申請人必須為中三或中四學生。 中三學生可以提前申請,但在應用學習課程開課時, 他們必須是中四學生。而中四學 生可以選擇在中四或中五時學習該課程。
Applicants shall be Secondary 3 or Secondary 4 students. Secondary 3 students can apply in advance but they must be in Secondary 4 when the Applied Learning course starts. Whereas Secondary 4 students can choose to study the course either in Secondary 4 or when they reach Secondary 5.
Students must submit their application through their secondary schools from mid February to mid April. Please contact your secondary school for details.
付款方法 payment
Course fee will be subsidized by secondary school and the Education Bureau.
Course fee is HK$16,000 and paid by 2 installments.
For class mode 2, course fee will be partially exempted according to the teaching venue and teaching support provided by the partner secondary school.
- 更多課程關於
- 數碼內容製作