HKU SPACE Law: Saved me $140,000 in PCLL Course Fees
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HKU SPACE Law: Saved me $140,000 in PCLL Course Fees
The First Milestone in my Legal Career
"Studying the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (CPE) at HKU SPACE was the first milestone in my legal career in Hong Kong. I enjoyed my studies at HKU SPACE where I was able to learn and meet many great people with various backgrounds. HKU SPACE and MMU provided me with extensive support in my legal studies which allowed me to achieve outstanding academic results.
This support helped me secure a government-funded place on the PCLL at HKU which saved me around HK$140,000 in course fees and so substantially eased the financial burden of my law studies.
I am currently a trainee at Patrick Mak & Tse, where I have trained in numerous practices areas like corporate finance, civil and commercial litigation, conveyancing, listing companies and probate. The knowledge I acquired from the CPE and PCLL provides a solid foundation to my understanding of my work which helps me overcome the hurdles I meet at work."
Frank Fung

HKU SPACE Law: High Quality & Reasonably Priced

The Hon. Madam Justice Anthea Pang, Justice of Appeal