Information for Summer School Students
Enrolment Procedure
Applicants shall
a) complete the enrolment form and enrol in the course(s)
- at the Enrolment Centres of HKU SPACE (please refer to the ‘Enrolment Centre’ section) by cash, EPS, cheque/bank draft or credit cards (VISA / Mastercard);
by mail with cheque/bank draft to ‘HKU SPACE Summer School Office, 11/F, 250 King’s Road, Hong Kong
Cheque/Bank draft should be made payable to ‘HKU SPACE’ with applicant’s name and course(s) applied written on the back. A photo of the applicant (in plain colour background, 45mm(W) x 55mm(H)) is also required.
b) apply through the School’s online enrolment system and pay by credit card or PPS.
All applicants who are below age 18 on 14 July 2025 MUST complete and submit the ‘Parent/Guardian Consent Form’ together with the Enrolment Form.
If you are applying for more than one course, please check to ensure that there is no clash of class schedules before submitting your application.
- Fees and places on courses cannot be transferred from one applicant to another. Once accepted to a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on approved transfers.
- Receipts will be issued for fees paid but HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of receipt sent by mail.
- Receipts will only be issued once. For additional copies of proof of payments, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with a completed form and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to ‘HKU SPACE’. Such copies will only normally be issued at the end of a course.
Entry Requirement
Minimum Entry Requirement
Applicants are expected to be of age 15 and above.
Other Entry Requirements
Courses may specify other entry requirements as necessary. Applicants are asked to read in details before making their applications.
Admission is made on a first-come-first-served basis.
The School has discretion over admission of students to any course under HKU SPACE Summer School 2025.
Class Schedule
Every effort is made to ensure that programmes are delivered in accordance with the information as advertised. However, the School reserves the right to make changes if necessary, and students will be duly informed of the change.
In case of unexpected circumstances such as cancellation of classes, the School will send urgent messages via Short Message Services (SMS), supplemented by other means such as email (if the need arises), to students for their immediate attention. Students in genuine difficulty of receiving urgent messages by SMS should inform the Summer School Office for separate arrangement before the commencement of the course(s).
Medium of Instruction
Unless stated otherwise, courses will be conducted in the language as advertised. Some courses will be conducted in English supplemented by Chinese (Cantonese/Putonghua), or in Chinese (Cantonese/Putonghua) supplemented by English.
Classroom Conduct
- Unauthorized reservation of seats is not permitted
- Eating or drinking is not allowed
- All mobile phones should be turned off during class
- Smoking is prohibited at all HKU SPACE learning centres and the University campus
- No video/audio recording is allowed, except with the permission of HKU SPACE, and is subject to any conditions stipulated when such permission is granted
- Personal belongings should not be left unattended.
A teacher may exclude from a class any student whose behaviour causes a disturbance to the rest of the class.
The Director of HKU SPACE has the authority in matters of a disciplinary nature such as unacceptable behaviour in class.
Statement of Attendance
All courses under the Summer School are non-credit bearing. The School will issue a ‘Statement of Attendance’ within three months of the end of the course to participants achieving 70% class attendance.
Course Cancellation
HKU SPACE reserves the right to cancel a course in cases of insufficient enrolment or unforeseen difficulties arising from running the course
Special Weather Arrangements
For classes that have not yet started
If Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above or a Black Rainstorm Warning is in force during the following time periods, or when an announcement is made by the Hong Kong Observatory that the Tropical Cyclone Signal No.8 or above is likely to be issued during the following periods, classes will be cancelled.
6:00 am – 10:59 am
Classes that start before 2:00 pm will be cancelled
11:00 am – 2:59 pm
Classes that start between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm will be cancelled
For classes that have already started
When an announcement is made by the Hong Kong Observatory that the Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above is in force or is likely to be issued within the next two hours, classes will be dismissed immediately. Students should make necessary arrangements (and with their parents or guardians if the student is aged under 18) in case of early dismissal.
When Black Rainstorm Signal is in force during class, the class will continue as usual.
Enrolment Centre
For details of centres, please click here.
Tel: (852) 3416 6413
Office Hour: Weekdays 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Fax: (852) 2508 6403