最新消息 活動預告
1月 2023
網上行政人員文憑及證書課程講座 - 大數據及金融科技系列 (2023-01-04)
- 相關學科
- 投資管理
- 日期及時間
- 2023年1月4日 (星期三)12:00 - 12:30 免費
- 地點
- Online seminar via Zoom
Mr Ferrix Lau (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)
Mr. Lau, ACS, ACIS, CFA, FRM, has over 10 years’ teaching experience in business, accounting and finance modules at tertiary level. He teaches Financial Analysis, Financial Risk Management, Quantitative Analysis, Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting as well as Corporate Governance. Moreover, he is a co-author of a Statistics book, Quantitative Analysis for Professional Studies and Projects. Furthermore, he has strong interests in the areas of Statistical Analysis, Quantitative Finance and Machine Intelligence. Mr. Lau has earned a Bachelor's Degree in Social Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in Economics and minor in Computer Science. Besides, he holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration with Distinction from The University of Hong Kong, concentrating on the theme of Accounting Control and Financial Management.
- 查詢
- 2867 8331 (finedec@hkuspace.hku.hk)
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Planning to gain more finance related knowledge?
The recent advances in Big Data and AI have major impact on the investment and trading community. Now different types of alternative data from news, social sentiment to satellite images can be used to construct and manage investment portfolios. Moreover, Machine Learning is applied to stock price predictions while Reinforcement Learning (Alpha-Go) technique is employed into trading strategies discovery.
This programme is suitable for degree holders and Executives who wish to enhance their knowledge and current market practices in the Big Data and FinTech series.
Seminar topics: Course details, entry requirements, assessment requirements.
-Executive Diploma in Financial Analytics 行政人員文憑《金融數據分析》
-Executive Certificate in Banking and Financial Technology 行政人員證書《銀行及金融科技》
-Executive Certificate in Big Data and Business Analytics 行政人員證書《大數據與業務分析》
-Executive Certificate in Big Data and Predictive Analytics 行政人員證書《大數據與預測分析》
-Executive Certificate in Big Data, A.I. and Investing 行政人員證書《大數據,人工智能與投資》
-Executive Certificate in Applications of Blockchain in Financial Technology 行政人員證書《區塊鏈在金融科技的應用》
-Executive Certificate in Applied AI and Predictive Analytics for Business 行政人員證書《應用人工智能與商業預測分析》
-Executive Certificate in AI and Deep Learning in Quantitative Finance 行政人員證書《量化投資:人工智能與深度學習》
-Executive Certificate in Applied Business Analytics and Decision Optimization 行政人員證書《應用商業分析與決策優化》
-Executive Certificate in Interpretation and Visualization of Business Big Data 行政人員證書《商業大數據視覺化及資訊演繹》
-Executive Certificate in Financial Decision Making: Big Data and Machine Learning 行政人員證書《財務決策:大數據及機器學習》
-Certificate for Module (Big Data Governance and Data Compliance) 證書(單元 : 大數據治理及數據合規)
-Certificate for Module (Business Analytics and Web Scraping) 證書(單元 : 商業分析及網站擷取)
-Certificate for Module (Robotic Process Automation with Business and Financial Applications) 證書(單元:機械人流程自動化於商業與財務應用)
-Certificate for Module (Distributed Ledger and Blockchain with Business Applications) 證書(單元 : 分散式帳本與區塊鏈的商業應用)
-Certificate for Module (Business Intelligence and Data Automation) 證書(單元 : 商業智能與數據自動化)
-Certificate for Module (Business Process Automation with VBA and Python) 證書(單元:商業流程自動化 – VBA及Python)
-Certificate for Module (Business Forecasting and Predictive Analytics for Financial Decision Making) 證書(單元:財務決策的商業分析與預測)
Unable to join us at the Information Seminar?
Email to finedec@hkuspace.hku.hk for One-on-One after-office-hour consultation, by appointment only.