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Guest Talk Topic: Career Opportunities in Bank Compliance

Apr 2017

ONE-STOP BUSINESS EDUCATION: Guest Talk & Information Seminar - Accounting and Finance

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One-Stop Business Education
Accounting, Investment Management

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Date & time
25Apr 2017 (Tue)19:00 - 21:00 Free
Room 302, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Simon Yau - Chief Compliance and Risk Officer, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Mr. Simon Yau - Chief Compliance and Risk Officer, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.

Financial regulators have stepped up their regulatory efforts in banking especially in areas of anti-money laundering (AML) and fraud. As the market anticipates tighter regulations, compliance departments in banks have been expanding in both size and importance over the past few years. The shortage of compliance professionals in HK means good opportunities for you looking to change jobs in key sectors. Our speaker will share with you the compliance functions in banks, recent banking rules & regulations in HK and relevant skill sets in bank compliance.

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Subject-specific Guest Seminars and Information Seminars 

金融監管機構加大了對銀行業的監管力度,特別是在反洗黑錢(anti-money laundering)和欺詐範疇。隨著市場預期更嚴格的法規,銀行的合規部門在過去幾年已經不斷擴大規模和重要性。香港合規專業人員非常短缺,即是為您提供更多就業機會。我們將邀請演講嘉賓將與您分享銀行的合規部門的功能,以及香港銀行業最新的法規和銀行合規的相關技能。

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Accounting & Finance

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