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What's Happening Events

May 2017

The NextGen Managers Series - IV - 不再「管 」Gen YZ ,只愛「理」WeChat !

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Date & time
26May 2017 (Fri)19:00 - 21:00
2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
免費 (先到先得)
  • Mr Andy Sun

Mr Andy Sun

Andy holds over 20 years corporate management experience from various locations in North America and Asia. Since departing a senior management position from DHL Asia Pacific, Andy established his own management consulting company in Hong Kong and successfully blended “Entrepreneurial Manager” and “Managerial Entrepreneur” thinking in most of his accomplished projects. Andy has been an Adjunct Lecturer at HKU SPACE for many years, recently he was appointed as COO in YATFAI Group orchestrating the group’s innovation and long term expansion strategies.

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The NextGen Managers




The NextGen Managers 系列,邀請多位赫赫有名的管理人,與你分享他們不一樣的管理哲學,以及獨門心法。