What's Happening Events
Jun 2017
- Event of
- Open SPACE 2017
- Subject
- Architecture, Culture & Philosophy
Thanks for your participation!
The above event has been completed successfully. Please look forward to the upcoming events.
- Date & time
- 03Jun 2017 (Sat)15:30 - 17:00 Free
- Venue
- Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (access via the shopping arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
- Speaker
- 主講:黃華生博士 ;
- 尺八示範:楊光先生 ;
- 尺八示範:陳偉光先生
黄華生博士是香港大學副教授,任教建築系二十多年,亦在港大佛學中心講學十多年。曾任建築師學會副會長及秘書長。佛教建築亦是黄博士科研及教學範疇之一。著有論文刊登在國際雜誌如下例: “Purity and Equanimity – the Mandala of Zen Rock Garden”, (IAFOR The International Academic Forum, 2016), “The Meaning of Fourfold Dependent Origination in Nagarjuna’s Teachings”, (Maha Bodhi Journal, 2559th Buddha Jayanti issue, 2015), “Introduction to Omniscient Wisdom – Architecture of the Heart Sutra, the Mandala and the Samye Monastery”, (Great Bliss, Great Perfection, Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies Association, 2014), 2014 “The Music of Buddha Nature – Blowing Zen through the Shakuhachi”, (the International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014), “Seeing the Buddha Nature in Japanese Zen Gardens” (International Journal of Business, Humanities and Social Science, 2013).
- Enquiry
- 3762 0071
- Remarks
Language - Cantonese
日常家用正是禪宗修持方法,因此,在日本流行了幾百年的禪佛學,其簡樸自然、清淨平等的佛性精神,已經融入一般生活成為別具一格的日本文化。 無論是古今建築、庭園,或者是獨特的尺八樂曲,以形態物質或音樂韻律,都涵藏著禪意密義。這正是佛學所說的法身功德,示現為周遍生機,無分別長養萬物。這就是禪宗佛性或稱為如來藏思想。這講座掇要介紹日本禪宗,以幾個案例講述日本建築與示範尺八本曲,雖然二者事相不同,但都具備同一禪宗修持密義,使大家能深入體會日本文化思想,並分享禪味。