What's Happening Events
Jun 2022
The Essential Security for NFT and Web3 on Blockchain (Face-to-face)
- Event of
- Open SPACE 2022 (Face-to-face)
- Subject
- Advanced Technology and Computing
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- Date & time
- 11Jun 2022 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00
- Venue
- Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
- Fee
- Free
- Speaker
- Mr Mike Lo (網絡安全服務總監)
Mr Mike Lo
Mike 是亞洲首位獲得由雲端安全聯盟雲端安全聯盟 CSA (www.cloudsecurityalliance.org) 認證的 CCSK(雲安全知識證書)培訓師。他經常被邀在香港、澳門和台灣地區的不同安全研討會和會議上發表演講。Mike 亦是一位經驗豐富的 ERP(SAP 認證)顧問,他對電信、零售、物流運營都瞭如指掌。除此之外,Mike 還被區塊鏈委員會認證為 NFT 專家。
- Enquiry
- 2587 3223 (stephanie.ny.leung@hkuspace.hku.hk)
- Relevant Programmes

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and Web3 are one of the hottest topics in the blockchain community, how much do you know about NFT and Web3? Have you owned any NFT? As the owner of an NFT, are you confident that you are performing the best security practices to protect your NFT? What type of wallet are you using? Do you know the security pro and cons of these wallets? What are NFT scams in the blockchain world? How do we minimize the risk of NFT being stolen by hackers or scammers?
Medium of language: Cantonese
The School may make available related programme information material at the seminar.
The School reserves the right to alter or modify the schedule of the event if necessary or expedient.