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Aug 2023

Journey after death

Event of
Humanities and Law Open Day (August 2023)
Culture & Philosophy

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Date & time
26Aug 2023 (Sat)14:30 - 16:00 Free
Room 311, 3/F., Admiralty Centre, Admiralty
  • Mr. Kenneth Leung Ka-Keung (Managing Director of Leung Chun Woon Kee (Service Consultant) Company Limited and Leung Chun Woon Kee Company Limited )

Mr. Kenneth Leung Ka-Keung

Kenneth Leung Ka-Keung is the fifth generation leader of his family's funeral service business, which began in China in 1904. With over a century of experience, he is an expert in Chinese culture, rituals, and funeral practices, as well as Fung Shui, cemetery and columbarium matters, and coffin and accessory supply. Because of his expertise, Mr. Leung has been appointed by the HKSAR Government as a Cultural Specialist to provide professional advice in a legal case related to Chinese customs in the High Court. Mr Leung has offered specialist consultancy service to numerous private and public sectors including the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Board of Management of Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC). He has also consulted by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

2910 7607 (
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證書 (單元 : 殯儀策劃師培訓) 中國傳統殯葬習俗儀式

A person's journey to the afterlife is often a mystery, accompanied by religious ceremonies. In this talk, Mr. Kenneth Leung Ka-keung, an expert in funeral etiquette, will share traditional Chinese funeral taboos and little-known information. He will explain the cultural significance of shrouds, soul-returning customs, and piercing objects. Using a rational and sensible approach, he will guide the audience in experiencing this journey that everyone must go through in life.

