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Aug 2023

The world of ChatGPT and beyond- Benefits and Limits for Law and Business

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Humanities and Law Open Day (August 2023)
Law-Related Courses, Professional Law Courses

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Date & time
26Aug 2023 (Sat)14:30 - 15:30 Free
Room 302, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, Admiralty and Instagram Live @ HKU SPACE Law Instagram
  • Knut Fournier (lawyer)

Knut Fournier

Knut Fournier is a qualified lawyer in technology and competition law.

25204665 (
Relevant Programmes
Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Law Postgraduate Diploma in FinTech and Legal Regulations LLM in Legal Practice [Top-up Award]

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model that has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. Its ability to understand and generate human-like language has opened up endless possibilities for businesses and law firms alike. In the world of law, ChatGPT has the potential to assist lawyers in legal research, document review, and even drafting contracts. It can also be used to analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns that may be useful in litigation. In the business world, ChatGPT can be utilized for a range of tasks, from customer service chatbots to personalized marketing messages. It can help businesses analyze consumer behavior and make informed decisions about product development and advertising strategies. ChatGPT can also be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic work. However, as with any technology, there are limits to what ChatGPT can do. Its understanding of language is not perfect, and it may struggle with complex legal or business jargon. Additionally, there are ethical concerns around the use of AI in decision-making processes. It is important for businesses and law firms to weigh the benefits and limitations of ChatGPT carefully and use it responsibly. In this talk, Mr. Fournier will explain ChatGPT and alternatives and explore the use of ChatGPT applications for business and law.

