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What's Happening Events

May 2024

Fintech Junior Taster Session (Online), 11 May 2024

FinTech and Financial Analytics

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Date & time
11May 2024 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00 Free
Type of Event
Online Attendance
  • Dr. Chan Yiu Kong Ringo (HKU SPACE Senior Programme Leader)
Dr. Chan Yiu Kong Ringo

Dr. Chan Yiu Kong Ringo


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Relevant Programmes

Junior Taster Programmes of Applied Learning - Introduction to Fintech

(The session will be conducted in Cantonese.)

  • 簡介課程特色、升學路向及就業前景
  • 分享行業發展
  • 示範金融科技創新解決方案的開發


  • Highlights of course content, briefing on further study pathways and career prospects
  • Sharing on industry development
  • Demonstration on developing FinTech innovative solutions


Speaker: Dr Ringo Chan, Programme Leader, HKU SPACE