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Jun 2024

Exploring Music Study and Career Paths: Discovering Potential

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Performing Arts

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)14:00 - 14:45
Room 604, United Centre, 95 Queensway, HK (On-site registration only)
  • Ms Usa Kiatvongcharoen (Senior Programme Director of HKU SPACE)

Ms Usa Kiatvongcharoen

Usa Kiatvongcharoen has amassed over ten years of experience as a music consultant, notably excelling in her role at APA EXCEL. Usa's professional contributions extend beyond her current role at HKU SPACE and her previous position at HKAPA EXCEL. She has also served as a faculty member at Baptist University of Hong Kong (HKBU) and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA)..

On-site registration only 3416 6338 (

Join us for an inspiring talk on music study and career paths, illuminating the boundless possibilities for aspiring musicians. Discover the importance of music education as a foundation, exploring disciplines like performance, composition, theory, and musicology to develop essential skills and knowledge. Explore the exciting intersections of music with other art forms and disciplines, expanding your creative horizons and unlocking new expressions. 

Language: Cantonese supplemented with English 


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