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Jun 2024

Injury Prevention Strategies for Athletes

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Sports, Exercise and Recreation Management

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00
Type of Event
Hybrid (In-person & Online Attendance)
Room 610, United Learning Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Mr Alex Wong Wai Keung (Registered physiotherapist (HK & HCPC), Accredited acupuncture practitioner (HKPA))

Mr Alex Wong Wai Keung

Alex is a passionate individual with a deep interest in the world of sports. He has actively participated in a wide range of local and international games, including para games. Throughout his journey, he has had the privilege of working alongside exceptional athletes and professional teams across various sports such as basketball, hockey, volleyball, handball, and disabled sports. Notably, Alex took on the role of Team Physiotherapist for the prestigious 2018 Indonesia Asian Para Games, the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Para Games, and the 10th Para Games in China in 2019. In these positions, he played a vital role in providing essential care and support to the teams. Several literature support "exercise is medicine" and he recognizes the critical importance of injury prevention across all types of sports-related injuries. Now, it is the perfect time for us to delve into the significance of injury prevention together.

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Relevant Programmes
Advanced Diploma in Sport Injury Prevention and Management

In the dynamic world of sports, safeguarding athletes from injuries is paramount. This informative session delves into evidence-based strategies to prevent injuries, enhance performance, and promote overall well-being. From warm-up routines to biomechanics, we will explore practical tips that athletes can incorporate into their training regimen. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, join us to learn how to play safe and stay strong!

Language: Cantonese


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