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What's Happening Events

Jun 2024

Medical Practitioner as a Law Student

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Law-Related Courses

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)15:45 - 16:45
Type of Event
Hybrid (In-person & Online Attendance)
Room 202, 2/F, Admiralty Learning Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Dr Lo Yee Chi, Janice (Specialist in Pathology) ;
  • Facilitator: Ms Tiffany Kwong (Programme Director of HKU SPACE)

Dr Lo Yee Chi, Janice

Dr. Janice Lo is a medical practitioner who attended University of London LLB (Bachelor of Laws) at HKU SPACE from 2018 to 2021. She is currently in her final year of part-time PCLL at HKU, aspiring to become a barrister in Hong Kong.

Facilitator: Ms Tiffany Kwong

2520 4665 ( / )
Relevant Programmes
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Preparation Courses (University of London) Graduate Diploma in Commercial Law Preparation Courses (University of London) Certificate of Higher Education in Common Law Preparation Courses (University of London)

In the world of educational and occupational choice, two disciplines consistently reign supreme: law and medicine. These fields, with their distinct yet interconnected paths, have long held sway over the hearts and minds of students and parents alike. Let us hear a medical practitioner, who is currently studying law, how the two fields correlate to each other.

Language: Cantonese


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