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What's Happening Events

Jun 2024

Theraband Exercise for Osteoarthritis

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Sports, Exercise and Recreation Management

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00
Type of Event
In-person Attendance
Room 610, United Learning Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
  • Mr Ryan Choi (Registered Physiotherapist )

Mr Ryan Choi

3762 0949 (
Relevant Programmes

Osteoarthritis, a prevalent form of arthritis in the elderly, often leads to joint pain and functional limitations. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing osteoarthritis, especially in the elderly, by enhancing mobility, strengthening muscles, and improving the overall quality of life. This session involves a variety of exercises, including Theraband exercises, as well as other exercises that can be easily performed at home. These exercises have been shown to be effective in pain relief and functional improvement, and they empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to manage their condition independently. Furthermore, in addition to addressing the physical aspects of osteoarthritis, this comprehensive approach also provides psychosocial support to enhance overall well-being.

Language: Cantonese


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