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Jun 2024

Transfer of assets before, during or in a divorce settlement in Hong Kong – points to have in mind!

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Law-Related Courses

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00
Type of Event
Hybrid (In-person & Online Attendance)
Room 205, 2/F, Admiralty Learning Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Mr Billy Ko (Family Law Specialist) (Partner Withers Worldwide Law Firm)

Mr Billy Ko (Family Law Specialist)

Mr Billy Ko advises on all aspects of family law including, but not limited to, divorce and separation, nuptial agreements, children custody, and complex financial disputes with substantial assets. He also focuses on cases involving complex asset holding structures and trusts, and advises wives, husbands and unmarried partners as well as other relevant parties, such as the grandparents on Wardship cases. Billy has advised clients who have international interests and has worked on a number of cases involving cross-jurisdictional issues.

2520 4665 (
Relevant Programmes
Certificate in Legal Studies Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level)

According to the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, in 2019, 35% of marriages in Hong Kong were remarriages. The pandemic also brought a spike in divorce rates as couples’ marriage soured. Divorce proceedings often involve the division of former matrimonial properties between divorcing couples, whether such properties are solely owned by one, co-owned by both parties, or through corporate vehicles.  The couple may choose or the Court may decide to sell the properties and distribute the sales proceeds between themselves, but it gets more complicated when properties (or a share of the properties respectively owned by each) are to be transferred amongst themselves.  It would be beneficial for the parties to consider the issues they will need to consider to make the most appropriate arrangement in the divorce settlement or to present their case in Court.

Language: Cantonese


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