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Life at HKU SPACE Our Stories

愉快學習韓語@HKUSPACEAlumni Sharing

Student Sharing of Certificate in Korean (Advanced)  - Man Ka Hei

Alumni Sharing of Certificate in Korean (Advanced) - Man Ka Hei

Certificate in Korean (Advanced) - Graduation Booklet

Graduation Booklet

Alumni Sharing on the graduation booklet of Certificate in Korean (Advanced) - Man Ka Hei

Alumni Sharing on the graduation booklet

나는 HKU SPACE에서 한국어를 배운지 4년이 다 됐다. HKU SPACE에 다니기 전에 다른 학원에 다녔는데 여기 와서 보니 느낌이 완전히 달랐다. 수업에서는 책을 읽고 게임도 했다. 게임을 통해서 내용을 잘 기억할 수 있었는데 재미있었다. 선생님들과 친해졌고 지난 4년을 정말 즐겁게 보냈다.
나는 중간에 임신했는데 그래도 수업을 계속 듣고 발표도 하고 시험도 봤다. 좀 힘들었지만 아들과 같이 한국어를 배워서 정말 신기하고 행복했던 것 같다. 그리고 피곤했지만 끝까지 완성해서 나는 정말 대단하다고 생각한다. 아들을 낳고 나서 시간이 없어서 한 학기를 쉬었는데 3년 동안 같이 배운 반 친구와 같이 배울 수 없어서 좀 아쉬웠다. 나는 입문 반부터 고급 반까지 배웠는데 올해 벌써 졸업해야 돼서 정말 아쉽고 계속 배우고 싶다.
HKU SPACE는 내 다른 집인 것 같다.


I have been studying Korean at HKU SPACE for nearly 4 years. I had studied at other centres, but HKU SPACE gave me a whole new learning experience.

In addition to reading textbooks, we also learned through games which really helped me to memorise words and phrases and improve my speaking skills. I also built a good relationship with my tutor throughout my four years of classes which were a genuine joy for me.

In the middle of my studies, I learned I was pregnant. Even though it was quite tough and tiring, submitting homework and test papers with a baby boy in my tummy, it was still a magnificent experience for a mother-to-be. Eventually, I managed to complete the whole course, before giving birth to my little son.

My maternity leave forced me to postpone my studies for a semester, which meant I split up with my old classmates, and we could no longer take the same classes together which was a shame as we had become good friends.

After graduating with a higher certificate this year, I am really sad to say goodbye to HKU SPACE , but I’m sure I will study with them again as it feels like a second home to me now.