Aviation, Transport, Logistics & Supply Chain Aviation Piloting
Programme Overview
It aims to provide students the fundamental knowledge and skills required by the aviation industry guide students understand the reality and prospects of the aviation industry, and stimulate students' interest for further study and career development in the field.
Aviation is the dream of many teenagers. This programme introduces students the operation of the aviation industry, with an emphasis on the knowledge and skills required for aircraft pilots, aircraft maintenance, aviation services and air cargo.
Programme Details
課程結構 programme Structure
飛行科 : 英語授課
Aircraft Pilot Stream: English only
其他選修科將提供粵語及/或*英語授課,包括: 飛機維修科、航空貨運科及航空服務科 (*報讀學生人數)
The other elective streams would provide classes in Cantonese and *English including: Aircraft Maintenance Stream, Air Cargo Stream & Aviation Services Stream (*students enrolled)
核心部分 Core Part (36小時hrs) |
認識飛機及航空業 Knowing Aircraft and the Aviation Industry § 航空業簡介 § 空中交通系統 § 機場的運作 § 航空業發展概要及成就 § 航空組織的功能及運作 § 飛機運作基礎—飛行理論 |
選修部分 Elective Part (144小時hrs) |
飛行 Aircraft Pilot § 空氣動力學及航空學基礎 § 飛機結構、操作及性能 § 飛行操作 § 導航及氣象學簡介 |
或OR |
飛機維修 Aircraft Maintenance § 工程基礎 § 飛機系統及設計 § 飛機組件及物料 § 飛機維修常規 § 航空法及人為因素 § 飛機維修專題研習 |
或OR |
航空服務 Aviation Services § 機場客戶及航線乘客服務 § 航線空勤人員服務 § 航空安全 § 航空業文化討論 § 航空業的人為因素 § 航空服務專題研習 |
或OR |
航空貨運 Air Cargo § 航空貨運基礎 § 貨運業務 § 香港的進出口管制 § 航空貨運管理 |
- 學生可報讀與航空管理、工程學、旅遊、物流等相關的課程。
- 就業方面,學生可從事飛行員或航空管理及營運、工程、航班服務、航空貨運物流等相關的工作。
- Graduates can articulate to related courses in aviation management, engineering, tourism, logistics, etc.
- In terms of job opportunities, students can join the industry related to aircraft pilot, aviation management and operation, engineering, aviation services, air cargo and logistics, etc.
On completion of the programme, students should be able to
1.describe the functions and operation of various aviation organisations including airport authority and airlines
2.describe international regulations and standard requirements in the aviation industry
3.apply practical skills in the aviation industry
4.demonstrate problem-solving skills through tackling aviation-related issues with multi-discuplinary knowledge
5.appreciate the latest development and achievements in engineering in related fields
6.appreciate the importance of teamwork and communication in the aviation industry
7. describe the work ethics and demonstrate positive values and attitudes in the aviation industry
8.develop self-understanding for further studies and career development in the related field
評核 Assessment
包括專題研習、筆試 、實務評估、書面報告及口頭匯報
Includes case study, written test, practical exercise, project and presentation
學銜 Award
按香港大學體制,經香港大學專業進修學院頒授「航空學(高中應用學習)證書 (資歷架構第3級)」予成功畢業的同學(出席率達80%或以上及於評核課業中取得合格成績)。
Student who successfully completed the programme (have at least 80% attendance and achieve qualified results in assessment tasks) will be awarded "Certificate in Aviation Studies (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) (QF Level 3) " within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.
- 180 小時 Hours
Modules & Class Details
Class Details
上課模式 Class Mode
Mode 1:
3 hours lesson in every Saturday morning and/or afternoon, or full day lesson at HKU SPACE Learning Centres. Summer class will be arranged.
Mode 2:
Arranged by secondary school and HKU SPACE; class can be arranged on weekday and/or Saturday. Depends on the equipment/facility needed, some lessons may be held at HKU SPACE Learning Centre. Summer class will be arranged.
上課時間表 Class Schedule
2022-24 學年
Class A | Class B |
Class C | Class D |
Fee & Entry Requirements
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/index.html
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/forms-download/index.html
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/ref-and-resources/index.html
How to apply for "Senior Secondary Applied Learning courses (2021-23)". Current Secondary 4 students interested in taking these courses have to submit their applications via schools. Please contact your secondary school for details.
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/ref-and-resources/index.html
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/forms-download/index.html
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/cross-kla-studies/applied-learning/ref-and-resources/applied-learning-video/index.html
- 課程費用由所屬中學及教育局全數資助。
- 課程費用為港幣15,500,分兩期繳交。
- 選擇上課模式二的中學將根據學校提供的埸地設施及學校老師參與授課的程度作出減免。
- Course fee will be subsidized by secondary school and the Education Bureau.
- Course fee is HK$15,500 and paid by 2 installments.
- For class mode 2, course fee will be partially exempted according to the teaching venue and teaching support provided by the partner secondary school.
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