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Business & Management Leadership Development

Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom

Master of Science in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation)

Awarded by
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Course Code
Application Code
Study mode
Start Date
To be advised
Next intake(s)
To Be Advised
2 years to 4 years
Course Fee
£9,200 by 2 instalments;
(all fees are subject to change without prior notice)
*Students will be required to cover the additional cost incurred due to resubmission of coursework, retaking a module, or resubmitting the dissertation.
*All fees are paid by bank draft.
How to Apply

10% Graduate Discount We offer a 10% discount in MSc course fee for all alumni who have graduated with an undergraduate degree from Edinburgh Napier University.


The MSc in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation) programme is designed for current as well as aspiring managerial leaders. It equips students with an approach to management that blends leadership skills and the ability to synthesise innovative solutions to problems of modern management. The dissertation must reflect the study of leadership and innovation.

About Edinburgh Napier University

Founded in 1964 and granted university status in 1993, Edinburgh Napier University is one of the largest universities in Scotland. It is a leading modern university committed to the highest standards of excellence in teaching, learning, research and knowledge transfer. It focused on providing education and undertaking research which is directly relevant to enabling graduate employability. 

Edinburgh Napier University is one of Scotland’s largest Universities, with almost 20,000 students from more than 130 countries. As at 2018, there are 110,000 active alumni in 126 countries.

Edinburgh Napier University has earned business accreditation from AACSB International, the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools.

AACSB  Accreditation

Number 1 in the UK for Nurturing Student Talent

According to the Guardian University Guide 2017, Edinburgh Napier University is number 1 in the UK for nurturing student talent. It compares entry requirements with final degree awards, ranks us top in the UK for adding value to students.

One of the largest Business School in Scotland

Edinburgh Napier University's Business School is one of the largest and most modern Business Schools in Scotland that offers a wide range of internationally recognized courses leading to awards of Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate degrees, including BA ( Hons), MSc, MBA, DBA, and PhD. The Business School has extensive, world-wide experience of delivering programmes to students based overseas. Approximately 2,400 students in 2013 study on Business School Bachelor and Master degree programmes in Hong Kong every year.

Why choose MSc in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation) ? 

  • The programme is designed for current as well as aspiring managerial leaders
  • Unique in Hong Kong
  • Focus on specific concepts that are relevant to the business world
  • Oversea lecturers from Edinburgh Napier University will visit Hong Kong to teach (for face-to-face lectures)
  • Develop business practitioners capable of leadership and management in the dynamic global business environment.
  • Stimulate an analytic, creative and innovative approach to management decision making in diverse contexts.
  • Develop individuals who can integrate generalist and subject specific knowledge with organisations, and formulate and implement informed decsions. 
  • Flexible study: There are two online modules offered in MSc BM, which is a very flexible way to learn. You can study when and where suits you, and work at your own pace.


  1. What is the ranking of the ENU? Is this Master degree recognized?
    Edinburgh Napier University ranked in the top 5% of universities (Times Higher Education World University Rankings). It is also >number 1 in the UK for adding value to students (Guardian University Guide 2017) and double award winners of the prestigious >Queen’s Anniversary Prize, which recognises institutions for their internationally acclaimed research. 

    Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) has rated Edinburgh Napier University one of the top universities in the UK for graduate employability.

    The study showed that 97.4% of our students are in jobs or further study six months after graduating, despite the challenging economic and labour market conditions that are affecting many in the UK at the moment. As a result, Edinburgh Napier is now ranked 8th from 156 institutions across the UK and 2nd from 18 in Scotland. By offering creatively designed courses, flexible study methods and accessible routes to higher education, our move up the UK league table demonstrates how well Edinburgh Napier equips our graduates for success in an increasingly competitive job market.

  2. I don’t have any Bachelor degree. Can I enroll in this programme?
    Yes, you can enroll in the programme via the “affiliate student” route. Affiliate student needs to complete any two compulsory modules first before enrolling in the third module.
  3. May I have more detail about the modules? 

    Please refer to the links below for more deatils.

    Leadership, Strategy and Innovation

    Global Economic Environment and Marketing

    Organisational Change and Management

    Managing Innovation (Online)

    Leadership Learning and Development (Online)

    Sustaining Organisational Performance

  4. What are the qualifications for local lecturers?
    All the local lecturers are experienced practitioners and must have at least a master degree in related discipline. They are also experienced in teaching courses in master degree level. 
  5. Are the teachings conducted by local or overseas academics?
    Lectures will be delivered by lecturers from Edinburgh Napier University, while all tutorials are conducted by academic local tutor from HKU SPACE.
  6. What are the difference between MSc in Business Management and MBA?
    MBA is more general with more focus on teamwork project and peer learning. MSc allows student to focus on specialized area with more individual work and training. MBA is more suitable if you are in a position of general management while MSc in Business Management is more suitable if you would like to acquire a specialized skill set related management.
  7. If my schedule is tight, can I enroll in only one module, instead of two, in particular semester?
    Student may submit such application for Programme Leader's conisderation. Student should be reminded that each course is offered in cycle. For example, if student missed one module in Trimester 1 this year, he/she needs to wait until Trimester 1 in next year to enroll in the same module.
  8. How many enrolments in each term?
    The enrolment in each term depends on rolling of enrollment number. That is, students from different cohorts will have the same class in that trimester and usually the class size is around 20. 

Programme Details

Programme Structure*

First Year

Trimester 1

(Sep 2023)

Leadership, Strategy and Innovation (20 credits)
Face-to-face Delivery Mode^

Global Economic Environment and Marketing (20 credits)
Face-to-face Delivery Mode^

Trimester 2

(Jan 2024)

Organisational Change and Management (20 credits)

Face-to-face Delivery Mode^

Managing Innovation (20 credits)
Mixed Learning Mode


Trimester 3

(May 2024)

Leadership Learning and Development (20 credits)
Mixed Learning Mode

Sustaining Organisational Performance (20 credits)

Face-to-face Delivery Mode^

Second Year

Trimester 4

Research Methods (20 credits)
Face-to-face Delivery Mode^

Trimester 5

Dissertation (40 credits)

Trimester 6

* The order of offered modules in each semester is subject to change.

^The module will also change to mix-mode learning due to the COVID-19. 

Study Duration and Teaching Mode

MSc in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation) is a part-time programme. It is typically structured for a 2-year completion time. The maximum study period is 4 years. English language is the medium of instruction. 

Face-to-face Delivery Mode

Five modules are delivered face-to-face. Each module will begin with five lectures (15 hours) and then five tutorials (15 hours) in the remainder of the trimester. Each lecture is of 3-hour duration and is taught by Edinburgh Napier University lecturers over four consecutive days on weekday evenings and weekends. Each tutorial is of 3-hour duration and is taught by HKU SPACE lecturers. Students will be supported by learning materials that have been developed by the Edinburgh Napier teaching team, consisting of a Student Study Guide, which outlines the modules aims and outcomes, lecture content, tutorial exercise, and assessment guidance. Students will also be directed to a core textbook, and receive a copy of the lecture PPT slides. 

Mixed Learning Mode

Two modules are delivered online plus face-to-face tutorials. Each module will begin with an online induction session. Students will be provided with responsive, engaging and interactive online learning materials and will be directed to a variety of electronic sources including e-books, e-journals and other web-based resources, to support learning. A mix of reflective exercises, case studies and self-assessment questions with diagnostic feedback will help to engage students in the learning process.


There are two types of assessment: (1) coursework and (2) dissertation. All will be assessed in English. Upon successful completion of all required assessments, you will be awarded the degree of Master of Science in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation) conferred by Edinburgh Napier University.


  • Master of Science in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation)

    Upon the completion of 180 credits that include 4 core modules, 2 online modules, Module of Research Methods and a dissertation that reflect the study of leadership and innovation. 

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation)

    Upon the completion of 120 credits that include 4 core modules (not including Module of Research Methods), plus 2 online modules.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management

    Upon the completion of 60 credits that include any combination of 3 modules selected from the core modules and on-line modules.


Application Deadline

January Intake
May Intake
September Intake

Early December

Early April

Early August



May - 2024 Trimester:

Leadership Learning and Development (20 credits)
Mixed Learning Mode

5 Tutorials: Jun to Jul 2024

(weekdays evening )

Sustaining Organisational Performance  (20 credits)
Face-to-face Delivery Mode^


5 Tutorials: Jul to Aug 2024

(weekdays evening )

*The confirmed class timetable will be given to the applicants after they have enrolled in the programme.

*Teaching materials will be provided via the ENU online learning platform (Moodle).



  • Admiralty Learning Centre/ United Learning Centre/ Fortress Tower Learning Centre/ Island East Campus
Application Code MS037A -

Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance

This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.


Application Fee

HK$200 (Non-refundable)

Course Fee
  • £9,200 by 2 instalments;
    (all fees are subject to change without prior notice)
    *Students will be required to cover the additional cost incurred due to resubmission of coursework, retaking a module, or resubmitting the dissertation.
    *All fees are paid by bank draft.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should

  1. a) hold a degree awarded by a recognized university or equivalent; OR

b) have other qualifications and/or experience, which demonstrate appropriate knowledge and skills equivalent to a degree.


2.    have proof of English Language Proficiency (IELTS 6.0 overall or equivalent), unless the medium of instruction of the university is English.

Entry as an Affiliate Student: If applicants do not meet the above requirements, they may apply and enter as an Affiliate Student. They will be allowed to study any two compulsory modules (a total of 40 credits). Successful completion of 40 credits will allow an Affiliate Student to gain entry to the programme study leading to the master degree. 


Application Form Application Form

Enrolment Method
  1. Complete the application form
  2. Submit the application form with the following documents:
    (a)  Certified true copies of all relevant academic and/or professional qualifications
    (b) Certified true copies of HKID card / Passport
    (c)  A non-refundable application fee of HK$200 by crossed cheque made payable to "HKU SPACE"
  3. The complete set of application forms with all relevant supporting documents may be submitted in personor to any of HKU SPACE enrollment centers. 

# To study in Hong Kong, all non-local applicants are required to obtain a student visa issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government, except for those admitted to Hong Kong for employment or as dependants, who do not need prior approval before taking up part-time studies. It is the responsibility of individual applicants to make appropriate visa arrangements. Holding an acceptance letter to a HKU SPACE academic programme/course does not guarantee the issue of a student visa.