社會科學 媒體及傳播學
- 社交網絡發展及背景
- 網上虛擬社區及遊戲
- 社交網絡的社會及政治影響力
- 社交網絡的優勢及劣勢
- 社交網絡危機管理
- 社交網絡的私隱與保安
- 世界第一社交網絡Facebook的成功之道
- 手機應用程式新趨勢
- 社交網絡的營銷成功範例
- 傳統及社交網絡營銷計劃設計
Founder of Avail Media Creative, has more than 12 years of experience in producing social contents for many various brands in their connections and engagement. She has full knowledge of the digital platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp etc.) and collaboration with KOL which is an important trend for the digital and social media.
With over 13 years experience in advertising industry after her graduation with a Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She worked in a few 4As agencies serving a wide range of premium brands such as MasterCard, Cheung Kong Properties, Japan National Tourism Organization, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Kao skincare, Nissin, GU apparel and Daikin air conditioning. She started her SLASH career in 2017, she worked as a creative director, a social media professional, a video producer and a voiceover. Variety is the spice of life, she is committed to continuously unleash her multiple identities.
Having been marketing communication practitioner for 15 years since after his graduation from School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, Leung Kin Man worked in a few 4As agencies serving MNC such as British American Tobacco, Hong Kong Disneyland, Wellcome, Promise, Nikon, Citizen, Japan National Tourism Organization, Toyota. He became a “Slash” in 2016: Advertising Strategist/ Digital & Social Marketing Manager/ Multimedia Producer/ Offline Editor/ Drummer. Being a drummer, he toured with his bands around Mainland China, South East Asia and Germany where he got inspired and influenced for multicultural communication connecting people via offline and online platforms.
With over a decade in agency / consultancy field, Joe is a constant enthusiast in incorporating his experience and knowledge of digital innovations, social media trends and consumer behavioural understanding to deliver the best in digital marketing. Served the likes of Google, Alibaba, HSBC, PANDORA and McDonald’s, Joe is eager to share and teach what he acquired through his fruitful career track. Joe is also the Silver Award Winner of HK Digital Advertising Start-ups X Publishing (Writers) Promotion Support Scheme by HKAIM, 2019. |
報名代碼 | 2180-1267NW | - |
開課日期 | 2024年4月25日 (星期四) | |
日期 / 時間
- 逢周四,7:00pm - 9:00pm (**學校保留更改上課時間的權利。)
- 5 講
- 每講2小時
- 香港島區教學中心
課程費用- 學費 : HK$1,390
申請表 下載申請表
- 以郵遞方式呈交:傳播及媒體課程小組 香港北角英皇道250號北角城中心11樓1109室;或
- 親臨呈交:任何一間香港大學專業進修學院報名中心((https://hkuspace.hku.hk/learning-centre)
1. 現金或「易辦事」(EPS)
申請人可親臨學院任何一所報名中心,以現金或「易辦事」(EPS) 繳付學費。
2. 支票或銀行本票
3. VISA╱Mastercard卡
申請人可以 VISA 或Mastercard卡繳付學費。申請人如同是「香港大學專業進修學院Mastercard卡」持有人,以該Mastercard卡付款報讀港幣2,000元或以上之課程,可申請享有十個月免息分期付款優惠。詳情請向學院報名中心職員查詢。
- 如報讀的短期課程開課在即,學院可要求申請人以現金、易辦事或信用卡(Visa或Mastercard卡)繳付學費。
- 除由學院裁定的特殊情況(例如課程因報名人數不足而取消)之外,一切已繳費用概不退還。如獲學院批准退還款項,以現金、易辦事、支票或網上繳費靈繳交之款項,將以支票退款;以信用卡繳交之款項,退款將直接退還至支付款項時使用的信用卡戶口。
- 除本學院網頁所列明的學費外,個別課程或有其他額外收費,詳情請參閱有關之課程小冊子或聯絡有關學科職員。
- 學費及學額不得轉讓。一經取錄,學員不得轉讀其他課程,惟學院對特殊情況可酌情處理。轉讀申請一經批准,學員須繳付每一項申請港幣120元之手續費。
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- 若學員有意申請額外收據,請把填妥之申請表、貼上足夠郵資的回郵信封、連同劃線支票交回本學院。每張收據申請費用為港幣30元。支票抬頭註明「香港大學專業進修學院」。補發的學費收據通常於課程完結後寄出。