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在新加坡展開的新一輯《飛黃騰達》真人騷,以相當於約港幣200萬元年薪,舉辦一場破格的應徵大會,聘請高級管理人員。「見工比試」內容包括多項高難度運動競賽,包括 扒龍舟丶泡泡足球賽,甚至是 爬上懸掛在高空約11層樓高的繩梯,目的是挑選「腦」力非凡,並且兼具運動細胞的人才。

為何一家公司要辦一場如此盛大的招聘競技會?其實這次招聘會由企業ONE Championship舉辦,公司業務與康樂及體育相關,包括推廣綜合格鬥等運動。這次比試內容一方面切合到公司文化,另一方面更是為了考驗應徵者在極限環境下,能否具備毅力丶機智丶追求進步等體育家特質。




This programme is designed for people who are currently working in leisure administration or recreation and sports management positions, or who intend to pursue a career in the management of leisure services.
Start 02 APR 2025 (WED)
Duration 2 years
Fee HK$25,500
This programme aims to provide students with cutting-edge information and practical experience to pursue a coaching career in youth sports, tertiary and Olympic or professional sports. Students in the programme will learn current practices in sport identification and development, coaching methodology, sport psychology, applied biomechanics, strength and conditioning, application of research, and the administration of sport programs. It will enhance their understanding of coaching programming to meet the specific needs of clients that they are supervising in the community. 
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee HK$25,500
This programme is designed for individuals, who are involved in sport and exercise activities, to acquire an in-depth knowledge in nutrition so as to optimize their physical performance. It is also a continuing professional development course for doctors specializing in sport medicine, trainers, coaches, physiotherapists, physical education and sports teachers and may serve as continuing education for other interested individuals e.g. professional athletes.
Start 07 JUL 2025 (MON)
Duration 6 months
Fee $17,000 / $13,600 (Advanced Certificate with Module 1 exemption)
本課程為瑜伽練習者、瑜伽愛好者或有志投身瑜伽教學人士而設。課程內容包括瑜伽的起源,歷史和哲學、瑜伽呼吸法、基礎瑜伽解剖學、瑜伽冥想和瑜伽素食等。學生還會學習理解基本姿勢、實習及瑜伽教學重點,從而掌握教授瑜伽課堂的步驟和技巧。完成課程後,符合資格的學生,可以申請註冊成為 RYT200 瑜伽導師。
開課日期 2025年3月29日 (星期六)
修業期 200小時
課程費用 HK$33,000


開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 $3,300



開課日期 2025年6月4日 (星期三)
修業期 33小時
課程費用 $3,800



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