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1. Symphony 交響思維:擁有「交響思維」的通才,更能像指揮家領導樂團一樣,在有限資源下將跨領域的概念和技能,研究出嶄新創意和觀點,為公司帶來效益。

2. Story Telling 舞台演說能力:所指的包括職場上的匯報能力丶內容組織能力丶公關和臨場應變力。

3. Language 語言能力認證:良好的兩文三語是多數本地職位的基本要求,如果能夠出示到語文能力認證必能比人更勝一籌,大大提升CV競爭力。即使未必與工作內容直接相關,但在CV上展示如中丶英,甚至是日語丶韓語等外語能力,都能將自己好學和堅毅一面展現出來,亦可增加日後踏足海外的工作機會。



The objective of the programme is to provide business leaders and managers with the knowledge and skills to build a powerful business presentation and present it in a “storytelling” manner in order to engage the audience and achieve the desired business outcomes.

The programme will equip students with the knowledge and skills to structure a business presentation, add in powerful visuals and craft a “story” to turn dull information into an intriguing sharing opportunity, to engage the audience and communicate the intended message persuasively through the use of verbal and non-verbal skills.
Start 23 APR 2025 (WED)
Duration 3 months to 4 months
Fee HK$4500
This programme provides systematic training in translation for those who already have degree or equivalent qualifications. It aims at giving students the confidence and competence to deal with translation work at a close to professional level in different settings and contexts. Students should be able to apply the linguistic and cultural concepts learned to the practical tasks of translation and make improvements in translations done by people and/or artificial intelligence after completion of the programme.

The programme also provides a solid foundation for those who plan to study for a higher qualification in translation in the future: holders of the Postgraduate Certificate in Translation can articulate to Postgraduate Diploma in Translation with exemption from the first five modules of the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation programme offered by HKU SPACE.

Start 08 OCT 2024 (TUE)
Duration 6 months
Fee 1. Application fee is HK$150 (In person : by cash, VISA, MasterCard, EPS; By post : by cheque -payable to “HKU SPACE”)

2. Course fee: HK$21,300 to be paid on notification of acceptance.

*Fees are non-refundable and cannot be transferred.
The programme aims to equip students with the language skills in specific focused areas at a higher level of accuracy and appropriacy.
Start 12 NOV 2024 (TUE)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$3,700




開課日期 2024年9月21日 (星期六)
修業期 120小時
課程費用 HK$7,700


韓語課程分為「韓語證書(入門)」,「韓語證書(基礎)」,「韓語證書(中級)」,「韓語證書(高級)」及「韓語文憑」五個階段。每個階段均分為Part 1 和Part 2。

本課程分為兩個階段。第一階段為「Introductory Korean(Part 1)」,第二階段為「Introductory Korean(Part 2)」。各階段課時為54小時,合計108小時。本課程教授基本韓國文字、詞彙、文法及句型,讓學員從「聽、講、寫、讀」四方面,能以簡單的韓語進行日常生活交流。
開課日期 2024年10月15日 (星期二)
修業期 108小時
課程費用 HK$4,100


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