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Guest Talk Topic: The Innovation Path to Excellent Management: Global + Local

Apr 2017

ONE-STOP BUSINESS EDUCATION: Guest Talk & Information Seminar - Management

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Date & time
26Apr 2017 (Wed)19:00 - 21:00 Free
Room 303, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
  • 1. Mr Yeung See Ming Kevin - Associate Head of College of Business and Finance, Principal Programme Director, College Principal Lecturer ; ;
  • 2. Mr. Henry Ma - Senior Programme Director

1. Mr Yeung See Ming Kevin - Associate Head of College of Business and Finance, Principal Programme Director, College Principal Lecturer ;

2. Mr. Henry Ma - Senior Programme Director

2520 4609 (
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Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management BSc Economics and Management Bachelor of Arts (Honours) International Trade and Operations Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Supply Chain and Shipping Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Maritime Business (Logistics)
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Subject-specific Guest Seminars and Information Seminars


有在操作層面,在制度層面還有在文化層面;還可以大略分為硬體,如信息開採,科技及機器的應用等。此外,還有軟體, 就是人才管理, 流程革新等。無論是怎麼樣的應用,企業都不是為了創新而創新,而是回應企業訴求,提升效率,並達至最佳表現。管理上兩大主要工作:決策 (Decision Making )及解決問題 (Problem Solving ),都可以通過不同方式的創新嘗試、應用、深化、評估以踏上卓越之路。講者將會詳細與各位分享以上範疇。

QF level

Inspiring Your Future

Through the diversity of programmes including Postgraduate Diploma programmes with innovative and practical curricula and Master Degree programmes to empower your future development.

Unique and niche Advanced Diplomas and top-up Bachelor programmes, together with the close network with various professional bodies, you will be gearing up for obtaining professional qualifications or recognized qualifications.  


Recognized Qualifications for Various Levels of Business Programmes


Locally Recognized Qualifications + Overseas Bachelor or Master Degrees


About the talk (in Cantonese)


有在操作層面,在制度層面還有在文化層面;還可以大略分為硬體,如信息開採,科技及機器的應用等。此外,還有軟體, 就是人才管理, 流程革新等。無論是怎麼樣的應用,企業都不是為了創新而創新,而是回應企業訴求,提升效率,並達至最佳表現。管理上兩大主要工作:決策 (Decision Making )及解決問題 (Problem Solving ),都可以通過不同方式的創新嘗試、應用、深化、評估以踏上卓越之路。

Specific Interest Areas
