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What's Happening Events

Jun 2018


Event of
Open SPACE 2018
Advertising, Media Planning and Marketing Communications

Thanks for your participation!

The above event has been completed successfully. Please look forward to the upcoming events.


Date & time
02Jun 2018 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00 Free
Room 304, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (access via the shopping arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
  • Mr Thomas Yung, Consulting Manager of Leading Edge
Mr Thomas Yung, Consulting Manager of Leading Edge

Mr Thomas Yung, Consulting Manager of Leading Edge

容瑞泉 (領越集團有限公司,方案經理) 具數據分析及統計專業學位,在商業應用上擁有超過十年的豐富工作經驗。曾參與超過40項公共及商業分析項目,行業包括政府、金融、公共運輸、教育、及零售等。在結合進階數據分析技術與數碼營銷的範疇上,更加是行業內的先驅,善於實踐具挑戰性的數據項目。並於2014取得國內上市資訊科技公司頒發的技術明星獎。 於2015年成功自主研發出一套運算模型,能準確地分析出文字的情感,而且可同時應用於繁簡體中文、英文、及港式口語。

2867 8499
Relevant Programmes
Professional Diploma in Social Media and Digital Marketing Executive Certificate in Digital Leadership Advanced Diploma in Digital and Social Media Marketing

Language - Cantonese

Using 5 Advanced Big Data Analytics to collect in-depth market info, consumer preferences, and retail traffic flow, etc.

The School may make available related programme information material at the seminar.
The School reserves the right to alter or modify the schedule of the event if necessary or expedient.