What's Happening Events
Feb 2023
Becoming a Confident English Speaker
- Subject
- English
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- Date & time
- 26Feb 2023 (Sun)14:00 - 15:00 Free
- Venue
- Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
- Speaker
- Mr Gerard Crawford (English Language Trainer)
Mr Gerard Crawford
- Enquiry
- 29755686 (agnes.tsa.chan@hkuspace.hku.hk)
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Listening to English bothers a lot of second language learners. In Hong Kong in particular, many intermediate or even advanced learners still struggle with some connected consonants and vowels in quick speeches, which set them a hurdle to move on. Our speaker Mr Gerard Crawford is here to give a seminar on connected speech, giving participants examples to illustrate how to catch the sounds and words, and how connected speech affects their listening.