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Jun 2024

A Dialogue between Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Dietitian: Unveiling the Mysteries of Vegetarianism and Food Therapy for Health

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Open SPACE 2024
Smart Wellness

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)15:45 - 16:45
Type of Event
Hybrid (In-person & Online Attendance)
Room 206, 2/F, Admiralty Learning Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Mrs Clara Pi (Registered Dietitian) ;
  • Dr Jenny Tung (Senior Programme Director of HKU SPACE)

Mrs Clara Pi

Mrs Clara Pi is a Registered Dietitian and an Adjunct Associate Professor at HKU SPACE. She was the Chair for the Asia Pacific Region of the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI). In addition to her professional roles, Mrs. Pi is a dedicated environmentalist with a focus on food and nutrition, and has contributed to the field through public talks and publications including "Save our planet one carbon bite at a time! ".

Dr Jenny Tung

Dr Tung Shong Jenny, Senior Programme Director at HKU SPACE, is a leading figure in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Hong Kong. With nearly two decades of experience in TCM clinical practice, education, and programme management, Dr. Tung is dedicated to promoting TCM culture and healthcare education. Her contributions, notably the Advanced Diploma in Practical Chinese Medicine (Chinese Medicine Nutritional Studies), are highly regarded within the community. Dr Tung has actively disseminated TCM knowledge through various media channels, including newspapers and television. In 2023, she secured funding from the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Development Fund for the project "Inheritance of TCM Culture," featured in "Ju Jing Chuan Xiang."

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Nowadays, many individuals have a growing interest in vegetarian benefits and food therapy for health. However, with the overflow of information on the internet, various questions pop up in our minds, such as: Can vegetarianism provide us with nutrients to meet our daily needs? And which food therapy is most suitable for oneself? To address these queries, we have invited a Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and a Dietitian to share their professional views. They will delve into nutrition in plant-based foods and share the secrets of food therapy for health, helping us unravel the myths about nutritional therapy.

Language: Cantonese


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