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Jun 2024

Niu Niu’s Music Life

Event of
Open SPACE 2024

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)14:30 - 15:30
Type of Event
In-person Attendance
Room 614, United Learning Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
  • Niu Niu(Zhang Shengliang) (Pianist) ;
  • Moderator: Professor Kenny WONG Kam Shan (Adjunct Professor of The University of Hong Kong)

Niu Niu(Zhang Shengliang)

Niu Niu(Zhang Shengliang) unveiled his exceptional talent at the age of three and graduated from the New York’s Juilliard School in 2018. In 2010, Niu Niu was named the youngest laureate of the PRIX Montblanc in Berlin. In 2012, as the first laureate of the Artemisia Foundation, he made his debuts in Boston’s Jordan Hall and Yale University’s Sprague Hall. In 2017, he was invited to perform for the presidents of China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa at the BRICS summit evening gala. In 2018-19, Niu Niu dubbed the piano performance of the character Wei Pang in NHK’s animated version of "Piano no Mori", which was broadcast worldwide on Netflix. In 2016-22, Niu Niu completed world tours across China, Japan, the Americas and Europe.

Moderator: Professor Kenny WONG Kam Shan

Professor Kenny Wong is an adjunct professor at HKU and a leading lawyer specialising in intellectual property rights. He is appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. Kenny has also served as a governor of HKPhil. The School is honoured to invite Kenny who has known NiuNiu for more than a decade to be the moderator.

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Born in Amoy in 1997, young Chinese musician Niu Niu began performing at the age of six and was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music at the age of eight. At nine, he signed a contract with EMI Records, making him the youngest pianist ever to join an international record label. At seventeen, he was admitted to the Juilliard School of Music in New York.

Niu Niu’s success in music is not only attributed to his talent but also his willingness to experiment. Since his first performance at Suntory Hall in Tokyo at the age of 12, Niu Niu has become one of the most popular Chinese pianists in Japan. In 2018, he participated in the production of NHK’s “Forest of Piano.” During the recent epidemic, he unveiled his original compositions “Hope” and “Thoughts.”

HKUSPACE is honored to invite Niu Niu to share his music life with us at this year’s School Open Day. He will also talk about his development in Japan in recent years.

Language: Putonghua & Japanese


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