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Jun 2024

Sports Marketing

Event of
Open SPACE 2024
Sports, Exercise and Recreation Management

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Date & time
08Jun 2024 (Sat)15:45 - 16:45
Type of Event
Online Attendance
Online Platform
HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Mr Jo Li (Former Marketing and Public Relations Manager at the Hong Kong Football Association Former Deputy Director of Marketing and Event Development at Hong Kong 01)

Mr Jo Li

From 2012 to 2017, Mr Jo Li served as the Marketing Manager at the Hong Kong Football Association. During this time, he led a series of marketing campaigns and brand revitalization initiatives. These efforts aimed to raise public awareness of Hong Kong football and enhance fan engagement. The grand annual “Hong Kong Football Star Awards” is one of his notable projects. Mr Jo Li implemented integrated marketing strategies, including new logos, themes, and extensive promotional activities. These efforts contributed to the creation of a fresh image for the Hong Kong Premier League and the Hong Kong national team. He also established the first dedicated store for the Hong Kong national team. Mr Jo Li is adept at leveraging platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, in conjunction with CRM strategies and website enhancements, to increase public awareness of Hong Kong football and boost fan participation.

3762 0862 / 2587 3154 ( /
Relevant Programmes
Advanced Diploma in Recreation and Sports Management Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Recreation Management Bachelor of Science (Honours) Sport Management

In the context of sports events, marketing strategies have evolved beyond traditional methods. Brands now explore innovative ways to engage with audiences, leveraging sports personalities and events. Whether it is through endorsements, interactive campaigns, or long-term partnerships, sports marketing aims to create a win-win situation for both sports and business.

Language: Cantonese


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