Social Sciences Education
Education Programmes
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This EdD programme helps you expand your knowledge and understanding of how education works, allows you to transform your own practice, and makes an original contribution to knowledge. This doctoral-level programme is a fantastic opportunity to study education at a deep level and relate this back to your own practice.
[Taught stage]
Year 1: 2 installments of HK$45,330 + HK$22,665
Year 2: 2 installments of HK$45,330 + HK$22,665
[Thesis stage]
Year 3: HK$67,995
Year 4: HK$67,995
Year 5: HK$67,995 (if required)
Year 6: To be determined by Doctoral College.
*Tuition fees will be reviewed annually and subject to change.
This programme is suitable for Trainers in commerce, industry and public sectors; Teachers in vocational, technical, professional, community and adult education; Personnel involved in programme management, administration and human resources development. The course is open to applicants without prior teaching or training experience.
特殊教育(讀寫障礙) $6600
認識及支援專注力不足及過度活躍學童 $4350
認識及支援資優學童 $4350
認識及支援自閉症譜系障礙學童 $4350
聽覺健康及支援聽覺受損學童 $4350
The objectives of this short course are (1) to introduce participants to the field of psychology; (2) to describe how various psychological approaches contribute to our understanding of everyday life settings; and (3) to apply the knowledge from these studies to our own personal and professional lives.